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  1. Rush

    "Dare Devil Dive" - Eurofighter for Six Flags OG

    According to THIS... ... Dare Devil Dive will be the first Eurofighter to have lapbars! Hopefully that should reduce the headbanging on these things and I also hope that they implement these new cars on some of the older Eurofighters.
  2. Rush

    Cedar Fair ride

    Xcelerator and errm... nothing else. All the other Cedar Fair rides I've been on sucked.
  3. Rush

    Alton - 11.9.10

    I was surprised at the busyness too! I think the queue boards were saying that Air had an 80 minute queue at one point! We reckoned that many people came back due to the "Visit in June, come back free in September" deal they had. I'd definitely avoid Saturdays if you can!
  4. Rush

    Alton - 11.9.10

    As usual with my trip reports, this one is VERY long. So read on at your own peril. Yesterday I took my second trip to the Towers this year, bit of a record seeing as I didn’t visit at all last year. This was my fourth visit to the Towers but I still get that buzz of excitement before...
  5. Rush

    Cheetah Hunt- Intamin for Busch Gardens Tampa

    If this supposedly has many short block sections then it should surely have a higher capacity if staff are efficient. Especially with the double loading stations this seems to have. iSpeed looks like it's block sections are pretty long so it can't send a train out as quickly. Problem with...
  6. Rush

    Bra testing at Alton Towers

    No point starting a new topic for this, but there is a new (frankly awful) PR stunt from Alton with a new "Rollercoaster Porn Channel". When will this ever end?
  7. Rush

    Disneyland Resort Paris

    You will find out soon enough. :wink: Thanks for commenting. Despite the lack of replies, I’m going to write up Part 2 anyway. If it’s any comfort to you, this part of the report is SLIGHTLY shorter and I think there may be more pictures with this one. Walt Disney Studios The Studios...
  8. Rush

    Favouruite out of......

    Before this gets locked... Nemesis is sooo "meh". Inferno is good, therefore it wins.
  9. Rush

    Favorite Movie Quotes

    "Can you fly this plane and land it?" "Surely you can't be serious!" "I am serious... and don't call me Shirley." -Airplane "What's the matter, Danny? Never taken a shortcut before?" -Hot Fuzz
  10. Rush

    wood or steel?

    I've only been on the Blackpool woodies and Ghostrider and none of them really wowed me except for Wild Mouse. So I'm a bit inexperienced with woodies but hopefully I should be off to Oakwood soon to get Megafobia. So for me at the moment, it would be steel coasters.
  11. Rush

    The Vekoma SLC

    I've been on two. I actually quite like Infusion. It's relatively intense, looks nice and although it's rough, it's didn't give me a headache and I didn't think it was painful at all to be honest. Kumali on the other hand, what a load of tosh. Even if it was smooth it would have possibly...
  12. Rush

    Cedar Point | News and Rumor Topic | New talk Page 42

    Don't worry Yanks, it could have been worse... at least it's not Thirteen. :wink:
  13. Rush

    Last 5 Coasters?

    Oh goody! I actually have a choice of different rides! Big Thunder Mountain - Disneyland Paris Rock 'n' Rollercoaster - Walt Disney Studios Crush's Coaster - Walt Disney Studios Space Mountain: Mission 2 - Disneyland Paris and... bugger... Sore: The Ride - Thorpe Park ALMOST a list of...
  14. Rush

    PoS Group 2

    I don't know about everyone else but I'm a bit fed up with loads and loads of coaster tournaments endlessly filling up these forums and leaving room for unproductive and uninteresting +1 responses. So often a lot of topics which actually require a large response get missed. We've just had a...
  15. Rush

    PoS Awards: Nomination Round

    Aside from the poorest kiddy coasters. G-Force - Drayton Manor. Absolutely terrible, even if the restraints didn't try to compress you, the ride would suffer from being short and dull. Hanging upside down from my waist? No thanks. Big Dipper - Blackpool. Ouch, ouch, ouch! This thing owes...
  16. Rush

    New ride and area for Dollywood, "Barnstormer"

    OMGWTFAMAZINPHATWIKIDBBQ!!!!111!!1ONELEVEN!!!!!!!!111111!!!!!!!!11!1!1! I think it looks awesome but then again my opinion is heavily biased. :wink: Still, it's nice to know that the ride type isn't dead already. Looking at Dollywood's current line-up, I think they're going to make it look...
  17. Rush

    Favourite B&M Invert?

    I'm the opposite, I think Fire is dull and repetitive! Ice isn't much better but it's a bit more interesting. Plus, it's a much nicer colour. :wink: Alpengeist is by far my favourite Invert. I couldn't believe how intense each inversion was, especially the cobra roll! Also an absolutely...
  18. Rush

    most uncomfortable seating and restraints.

    I hate hate HATE Saw's restraints! They're fine to start with but after the first drop the restraints tighten and put a huge amount of pressure on your thighs. It's a huge relief being released from them. Still, they're not as bad as G-Force's, which compresses so much it's as if it's...
  19. Rush

    Favorite Launch

    Xcelerator would have to be my favourite launch. It feels very quick and I love that it has lap bars so you feel so much more exposed and free especially at the front. I'd probably put Rita or Stealth next. Despite what others may say I found Rita's launch to be pretty damn quick and I...
  20. Rush

    Scariest Rides

    That horrible ferris wheel at California's Adventure, the one with the gondolas which slide along the rails. Really really terrifying experience, not helped by the fact that you're pretty confined in that cage.