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PoS Group 2


Hyper Poster
Group 2 Matchups for the biggest piece of ****

1. Vortex - Kings Island
2. Batwing - Six Flags Great America

3. Invertigo - Kings Island
4. Batman: The Ride - Six Flags Great Adventure

5. Diamondback - Kings Island
6. Big Dipper - Michighans Adventure

7. Rolling Thunder - Six Flags great Adventure
8. Rebel Yell - Kings Dominion

If you havent voted in Group 1 yet please do so


Staff member
Social Media Team
1. Vortex - What a piece of absolute **** that coaster truely is

3. Invertigo - Sooooooooo boring

6. Big Dipper - Seriously, how the **** are you pairing these rides up?

7. Rebel Yell - At least Rolling Thunder gets both sides running occassionally


Hyper Poster
^^ Gavin, it was the oddball out against diamondback. Brad nominated diamondback and nominated the Coney Island Cyclone. neither ride deserves the nomination.
1. Vortex - Kings Island

3. Invertigo - Kings Island- Who voted Batman: the Ride? Wtf?

6. Big Dipper - Michighans Adventure

7. Rolling Thunder - Six Flags great Adventure


Staff member
Social Media Team
Gavin, it was the oddball out against diamondback. Brad nominated diamondback and nominated the Coney Island Cyclone. neither ride deserves the nomination.

Maybe it would have been a better idea to leave the nominations open for a while then, say a week or so to get more people's opinions, then taking the most popular choices to put into a poll before starting this extremely flawed tournament?


Staff member
Social Media Team
^The thing is, this could have been a really good idea, but because you had to rush it, it fails miserably.

Not to be a dick, but because you've rushed it you're left with a really crappy "tournament" because not enough people have had chance to give their opinions before you've started it.


Hyper Poster
yeah i wanted to run this in early july and have the results by the end of august but my job freakin switched and i got stuck without a computer for like a month


Giga Poster
I don't know about everyone else but I'm a bit fed up with loads and loads of coaster tournaments endlessly filling up these forums and leaving room for unproductive and uninteresting +1 responses. So often a lot of topics which actually require a large response get missed. We've just had a major tournament can we have a break from them for a while please?

I don't mean any offense to anyone when I say this by the way.


Hyper Poster
yeah after this bracket theres gonna be like a month of an open topic of nominations. Cuz its like impossible to get enough responses in one day.


Hyper Poster
Because lack of nominations, the tournament will not start until october 3rd.

new groups will be arranged, and CF will be given time to recover from the last tournament.

Lock Please.