Search results

  1. Rush

    Loudest coasters

    I'm surprised nobody's mentioned Indiana Jones at Disneyland Paris. It has a really loud, awesome roar, suck on that Nemesis. Shame the ride's complete tripe though!
  2. Rush

    Best Coaster at Canada's Wonderland?

    Well, I haven't been to Canada's Wonderland but I think I can easily say that Behemoth destroys pretty much all their other coasters.
  3. Rush

    Disneyland Resort Paris

    Just a prior warning to everyone, this trip report will be a BIG one, so persons with visual, back or neck problems, or those who have a short attention span should read at their own risk. :P Just to make it easier and less strenuous as well I’ll start with the Disneyland Park first and then do...
  4. Rush

    "Now Showing"

    So, Inglourious Basterds. WOW! What a film, I loved every single second of it! Not a single dull moment at all and I can see why Christoph Waltz got all those awards. The actor playing Hitler also did a brilliant job. (I must admit, I laughed every time he appeared for no apparent reason!)...
  5. Rush

    "Now Showing"

    Had a raid of the DVD rack yesterday and decided to have a "Burton" evening. I'm not one to review films really so I'll keep them short. First film was Batman Returns. I thought it was shockingly bad. It was dull, I didn't think much of the plot and even for a Tim Burton film it was...
  6. Rush

    Toy Story Playland - WDS

    Damn! Can't believe I missed this by about 4 days! From what I saw it did look pretty good and I think Disney have overall done an excellent job with it.
  7. Rush

    How old were you when you hit 1.4m

    I was a midget kid. My first 1.4m ride was in October 2004. I was 11 and had been denied from Colossus a few months earlier. :lol:
  8. Rush

    Throwing up on a ride

    I've puked just after riding Quantum at Thorpe (ate a cheeseburger beforehand as well) but I've never been sick on the rides. Also rides which do a lot of spinning tend to make me feel ill except oddly enough Enterprises.
  9. Rush

    USA Steel Bracket Matches 21, 22, 23, & 24

    2. Alpengeist, Busch Gardens Europe 7. Diamondback, Kings Island 3. Maverick, Cedar Point 11. Fahrenheit, Hershey Park
  10. Rush

    USA Steel Bracket Matches 9, 10, 11, & 12

    2. Alpengeist 18. Talon 7. Diamondback 10. SheiKra Typical how my number 1 coaster and my number 2 coaster have been pitted together. :lol:
  11. Rush

    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Film)

    I hope these final films prove to be much better than the complete bore-fest of the Half Blood Prince and so far the trailer makes them look promising. :) The problem is that there isn't really that much of the story left after the bank scene and I'm worried they might go down the "Lord of...
  12. Rush

    I hate it because it's popular.

    I don't hate things because they're popular, but I hate something MORE if it's popular. (If you know what I mean.) Example for me being Britain's Got Talent which I dislike anyway because it's dull, really repetitive and predictable and because it has Simon Cowell in it. What makes me hate it...
  13. Rush

    Most Painful Rollercoasters & Flat rides

    Excuse the fanboy inside me, but how is Rush painful?
  14. Rush


    I thought it was hilarious that throughout the whole England vs Slovenia game, the commentators kept making a big thing of England being top of the Group table, only to end up finishing 2nd to USA. xD
  15. Rush

    Most Painful Rollercoasters & Flat rides

    ^Probably because not many people here had a chance to ride it.
  16. Rush

    MACK vs Intamin AG

    Intamin have built many "high-speed looping rides". Mack have built one. You can't really say Mack is a better company purely just for Blue Fire, it may be a better ride but it may also be a "one-hit wonder."
  17. Rush

    Most Painful Rollercoasters & Flat rides

    Is it really necessary to reply every time someone posts in this topic? More than half of the replies in the topic have been from yourself. :wink:
  18. Rush

    Most Painful Rollercoasters & Flat rides

    Big Dipper at Blackpool was AWFUL when I rode it, I swear it dislodged several vertebrae. G-Force at Drayton is pretty nasty, not because it's rough but because the restraint pretty much attempts to cut off the blood circulation to the lower part of the body. It's also really uncomfortable...
  19. Rush


    SWITZERLAND!!! <3 <3 <3