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wood or steel?

wood or steel?

  • wood

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • steel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • both

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Hyper Poster
Theres really no way to compare the two

steel is more hit and miss but generally less painfull
however wood is always almost intense. so i cant really decide


Giga Poster
il be the first to select an idividual type then lol iam going steel, but not by much prehaps 60% 40%


Strata Poster
It ain't what you use, it's the way that you use it.

If the comparison is say - bandit at movie world vs piraten or nemesis - no contest for steel

if the comparison is colossos (heide park) v x:nwo - no contest for wood.


Staff member
I have three wood in my top ten.

Two are numbers 1 and 2.

I prefer wood, but overall I have been on more "good" steel than "good" wood.


Hyper Poster
I don't separate the two, so it doesn't really matter to me... But looking at my rankings, wood is usually either awesome or terrible, and there is so much variety in steel that it's just everywhere on my rankings.
Take some of the best steels and the best wooden coasters. Compare them. The wooden ones absolutely blow the steelies out of the water!

Seriously, wooden coasters just provide so much more of an out of control and exciting experience for me. Sure, steelies can do more, but give me a woody anyday (haha- pun intended).

More than half of my top ten is wooden coasters as well.


Roller Poster
I picked both as you can find some amazing woodys but there are also some bad woodys,vice versa with steel.A good coaster is a good coaster :--D


Giga Poster
From what I gather, when wood is very good...its bloody epic and far beyond any steelie.

But on average steel rides tend to be better for me. Very few I would call bad. Where as when wood is bad; its bloody awful.


The Legend
Wood. How MF and Bizarro get the best ride in the world is beyond me with such amazing woodies out there.. which make them look like absolute trash by comparison.


Giga Poster
I've only been on the Blackpool woodies and Ghostrider and none of them really wowed me except for Wild Mouse. So I'm a bit inexperienced with woodies but hopefully I should be off to Oakwood soon to get Megafobia. So for me at the moment, it would be steel coasters.


Matt SR
Staff member
Social Media Team
Individually? Wooden.

As a whole? Steel. There are a lot of crappy woodies still out there!


The Legend
Same could be said for Steel though Matt. I'd say, with all things being equal, the same percentage of suck exists between the types. I just think the outliers, as in 'OMFG!' and 'DEATH!' for woodies is much more drastic.

Mr Nash

Hyper Poster
I've done a few woodies,but unfortunately,none of the ones I could call "major" or outstanding,and considering the ones I have been on,didn't exactly blow me away,then I've got to call steel.

Pingu on drugs

Roller Poster
I prefer steel, only because ive been on many more steel coasters....quite a lot of the woodies have been fairly boring, but very rickety which i find good....i havent been on many of the famous wooden coasters, but im sure ill go on them someday