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  1. Rush

    Coasterforce Quiz!!!

    Woo! I got a cracking 1/10! I think it was the one about the Dreamcast I got right. I guess guessing every single one isn't always the best way to win. :(
  2. Rush

    Coasterforce Quiz!!!

    It's been a while since I played this, but I got 6..... :roll: Surprised at the amount of guessing I did, I think I only actually knew the answer to one of them.
  3. Rush

    Have You Ever Chickened Out?

    I used to be terrified of coasters until about 2004 when I just decided that I would conqeur my fear and so we went to Thorpe Park and at first I chickened out on Colossus and then I just rode it later in the day and I loved it, so after that I thought I could do any ride. However I chickened...
  4. Rush

    Amy Winehouse has a terrible voice: Yes or No

    I don't think it's dreadful but it does get annoying. I quite like the style though as it's something you don't really hear. I like her songs as well, just some of them would probably sound better in a normal singing voice.
  5. Rush

    Underconstruction Topic

    Here's my first project that I'm going to post on Coaster Force and about my sixth track ever so don't expect it to be fantastic...
  6. Rush

    Rate the Person Above

    10 for Rach, she's always great to talk to on MSN.
  7. Rush

    Rate the Person Above

    Don't really notice you a lot... so it'll be a 7.5/10 from me.
  8. Rush

    Whats your best ride at thorpe park?

    Rush by far, I just find it so fun and the airtime is really good especially with a loose lapbar. I don't really see why people should complain about it being short when Detonator and Stealth are even shorter than it as well. Inferno is second as I love it a lot, it's fun forceful and smooth...
  9. Rush

    Rate the Person Above

    Awesome guy to talk to on MSN. 10/10.
  10. Rush

    RCT3 Help, Information and Requests

    Sorry if this has been asked before... If a file gets corrupted, is there any way of restoring it somehow?
  11. Rush

    England's best flat/thrill ride

    ^Urrm.... sorry to tell you but it's now winning with 9 votes. Well I love it a lot anyway, sometimes it's not so good but that's probably becuase I get stapled. Maelstrom might have got on top if I didn't get stapled. From that list I would put: Rush Maelstrom Detonator Slammer...
  12. Rush

    England's best flat/thrill ride

    Rush.. just soo fun and really the length doesn't bother me. Although Detonator and Maelstrom come in a close second. I didn't think much of Apocalypse to be honest.
  13. Rush

    Rate the Person Above

    10 for Taylor for obvious reasons. Great poster.. interesting points etc.
  14. Rush

    Rita vs. Stealth

    I have ridden both coasters as well FYI. Alright, this is my opinion, I found RITA's launch much quicker, it felt smoother, forceful and it had a much better feeling of speed in my opinion. Stealth's launch may be fast, but it goes along the track like a dick on a cheese grater. It is...
  15. Rush

    Rita vs. Stealth

    Stealth is alright in the front but it's pretty awful everywhere else. The launch is okay but the rest of the ride is bollocks. The top hat gives me NO airtime anywhere, the speed hill is one of the most pointless things I've seen on a coaster. It's far too short. the layout is god-damn awful...
  16. Rush

    Colossus or Nemesis Inferno?

    Inferno, it's smooth, intense, loads of fun and has tonnes of re-ride factor. Colossus has awesome hangtime but it has very little re-ride factor and can be bumpy in some places. The corkscrews do not approve.
  17. Rush

    Rate the Person Above

    9/10 for never being on MSN.
  18. Rush

    Rate the Person Above

    Posted a lot recenty, and he likes Xcelerator a lot. So it be a 9.5/10 from me.
  19. Rush

    Rate the Person Above

    Awesome guy, definite 10/10.
  20. Rush

    I've done it!!! Post finished Projects Here!

    Topic: Should be up soon!