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  1. Rush

    How physically fit are you?

    Oh we do a 12 minute Cooper Run which is basically running in a circle for 12 minutes. I'm moderately fit. Going to a gym soon but I have awful arms, ugh, i can't do many press-ups. Sit-ups are alright and I'm okay at Sports. I'm not very tall at all which is quite an advantage for football...
  2. Rush

    The ^ < V game

    ^Shall be soon. <Uploading photos. V Wondering what for.
  3. Rush

    The ^ < V game

    ^ Nah! They finished yesterday! < Looking pitifully out at our conifer tree which was blown down yesterday. V Also has a tree that was blown down.
  4. Rush

    The ^ < V game

    ^Dunno <Is talking to Dan on MSN V Is on MSN
  5. Rush

    The ^ < V game

    ^Typical No <Is pleased that exams are over. V Is pleased about something.
  6. Rush

    The ^ < V game

    ^ Excuse me I'm half welsh. < Is half welsh. V Is originated from Papa New Guineau
  7. Rush

    The ^ < V game

    ^Eeek! <Squeek V Peanuts!
  8. Rush

    The ^ < V game

    ^No <Meow! V Woof!
  9. Rush

    The ^ < V game

    ^Oink!! <Baa! VMoo!
  10. Rush

    The ^ < V game

    ^Wrong, I love YouTube. <Making new video for YouTube V Is on Youtube as well!
  11. Rush

    The ^ < V game

    ^Yea, bloody exams. < Happy that there is only one day of exams left. V Has no exams.
  12. Rush

    The ^ < V game

    ^Why? < Wants to know why V Also wants to know why
  13. Rush

    The ^ < V game

    ^Darn right I hate it. <Posting a message. V Also posting a message.
  14. Rush

    Would you ride Extasy?

    I might go on it but it made me sick just looking at it. I'd rather do it mid-morning just before lunch so I don't throw up.
  15. Rush

    The Paste Game

    Home > Community > CF-INFO Community Private Messages: 0 Theme Parks...
  16. Rush

    You know you're CF-ing it too much when...

    When you shout "Coaster Force!" on your way to Grandma's.
  17. Rush

    RCT3 Help, Information and Requests

    Where do you get the Steelworx Wild! update? Is that link the update already, or is there another page, because my Steelworx make RCT3 shut down.
  18. Rush

    The Paste Game

    Looks interesting so far, lots of good scenery and water effects. I presume it's themed to American Indians/Western. Can't wait to see more. ^Must have copied it from one of my comments, just in case an error occurs, and I have to right it all again. How many other people do that?