Search results

  1. Rush

    Rate the Person Above

    ^I hate fast food. 104/10
  2. Rush

    Rate the Person Above

    Hmmm... you're pretty cool, not quite an 106 so... 104/10.
  3. Rush

    You know you're CF-ing it too much when...

    When you orgasm on your favourite ride. Not that I've done it. :wink:
  4. Rush

    The ^ < V game

    ^Squeek! <Science SATs grrrr..... VHas exams
  5. Rush

    What are you listening to now?

    Umbrella - Rihanna ft. Jay-Z
  6. Rush

    Seating arrangements

    Well, I go on the front for: B&M Inverters: for the view obviously. Intamin Accelerators: I love the greater feeling of speed and power you get. Colossus: Cause it's smother than the back. Back for: Everything else.
  7. Rush

    You know you're CF-ing it too much when...

    When you get dissed by Patrick.
  8. Rush

    Sexuality V

    ^ Perhaps you ought to find out.
  9. Rush

    Sexuality V

    It just proves how homophobic you are. Besides, you can bum sex a woman. :P
  10. Rush

    Which is the UK's best flat ride?

    RUSH! No question about it and that picture of it is pure sex. :P
  11. Rush

    Top 25 Most Played

    Here's mine.
  12. Rush

    Sexuality V

    Straight as a ruler.
  13. Rush

    STEALTH (rate the name)

    It's crap. Doesn't suit the theming. Nothing to do with Amity Speedway, it's dire.
  14. Rush

    The ^ < V game

    ^Nope <Been at the driving range all morning. VPlayed some sport today!
  15. Rush


    Nah, I can't actually taste onions. Must be something wrong with my tongue.
  16. Rush


    It has no taste whatsoever, like onions and cucumber, but I hate its texture most of all. It's all stringy and a load of bull****!
  17. Rush

    What are you listening to now?

    Ros? - The Feeling
  18. Rush

    Most annoying thing at a park.

    Queue jumpers can die, so can braggers, but they're not as bad. Know-it alls and explainers are funny. I met one who said 'they'd been on every ride on the planet,' and then the man said what was his favourite? The man then said 'this one,' whilst queueing for Colossus. I also met this...
  19. Rush

    The ^ < V game

    ^No, but i have some Aeros in the fridge. < Just got kicked off MSN by his mother. VIs also nagged a lot by their mother.
  20. Rush

    The ^ < V game

    ^I'm on, but where are you?! <Eating a packet of minstrels. VIs also eating a packet of sweets.