What's new

The ^ < V game

^ Yes I am - how the hell did you guess that?

< wants breakfast but HAS to read through everything new here first

V Has someone to make breakfast for them
^I'm on, but where are you?!
<Eating a packet of minstrels.
VIs also eating a packet of sweets.
^No, but i have some Aeros in the fridge.
< Just got kicked off MSN by his mother.
VIs also nagged a lot by their mother.
^ I'm 45 - I don't get nagged by my mother (Who am I kidding, no matter how old you get it never stops)

< is watching American Idol on ITV2

V only has analogue TV so can't watch it
^Only for the Auditions : p
<Is extremely cold right now.
v Is extremely warm right now.
^Not really
>Dreaming about Vacation
vWill reply to this Feb. 06, 2007
^Well done : p
<Is about to book hotel for trip to AltonTowers.
vIs going to AltonTowers this year?
^ I've never seen them : p
< Has a craving for prawns.
V likes seafood
^Damn straight
<Lothing the Off-season
v Laughing at me because their local park is open
^Nop, it aint open yet

<When thorpe does open I will not be going for a week or so.

V Willl be going to thorpe during Half term.
^ Indeed I am.
< Is ****ing freezing his arse off from the journey to school.
V You better make me laugh.