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  1. Rush

    Coasterforce Quiz!!!

    6! Well at least I knew a lot of them, shame all the ones I guessed I got wrong.
  2. Rush

    Coasterforce Quiz!!!

    Eurgh, I got both the boxer ones wrong. 7/10.
  3. Rush

    Rides You Just Can't Be Bothered With?

    I go on as many rides as I can but I usually avoid all the kiddy rides and any Magic Carpets and Double Inverters. Usually I don't do a ride as I never have time or because I've been on it before and hate it or don't care about it. Boreclones however are fab and not to missed! :D I want...
  4. Rush

    Rush Or Vortex

    I wonder what I'm putting..... :roll: Rush does what it says on the tin, it gives me a Rush. I love the feeling of insecurity on it and the restraints I find extremely comfortable. I for one like the sound of the air tanks as it adds a character to it, it is saying that it's big, bold and...
  5. Rush

    Coasterforce Quiz!!!

    4/10. I did rather pooey.
  6. Rush

    Detonator Vs Apocalypse

    Better practise for French exam. Je n'aime pas L'Apocalypse, c'est ennuyeux et douloureux* sur les bollocks. (I don't like Apocalypse, it's boring and painful on the bollocks.) J'adore le Det, c'est passionant et ne douloureux* pas sur les bollocks. (I love Detonator, it's exciting and is...
  7. Rush

    Do you smoke?

    No. I don't think I'll ever try it either, it makes me feel physically sick when someone smokes near me.
  8. Rush

    Rate the Person Above

    Having a Screamin' Swing in your set means you get an 8! Plus one as I see you a lot on the site and you've been a really contributive member. So 9/10.
  9. Rush

    Coasterforce Quiz!!!

  10. Rush

    Coasterforce Quiz!!!

    10/10: Woo that was easy but I spent a bit of time on the crocodile one.
  11. Rush

    Coasterforce Quiz!!!

    4, and all were guessed.
  12. Rush


    Only for reading off the board, computer and TV etc. Problem is I've lost them at the moment which is really annoying. I've had them since 11 and before that I never thought I'd actually need to wear them.
  13. Rush

    Coasterforce Quiz!!!

    Yay! 10/10 and second place!
  14. Rush

    Do you Play a Musical Instrument?

    So do you play a musical instrument or have so in the past? Have you taken lessons or exams (grades)? Or have you never touched one and have no idea what I'm on about? I play piano and guitar at the moment. I'm at Grade 5 piano but I've quit the exams now, I'd much rather play soundtracks...
  15. Rush

    Rate the Person Above

    Ten for A-Kid.... Rush loves it. :D
  16. Rush

    Do you read comics?

    I'm not a fan of comics but I used to read the Beano and still buy the annuals. I prefer reading books though.
  17. Rush

    Best Pets

    I've had two dogs, two cats, twenty-seven fish, fourty-two sea monkeys and a snail. I'm now down to one cat. I loved both my dogs but they wouldn't really do a lot and were not very active as they were quite small dogs and they were both blind as well. :( One of my cats ran away and has...
  18. Rush

    Coasterforce Quiz!!!

    Woo! 9/10 and I'm 5th. Pleased with that, best result I've had for a while.
  19. Rush

    What are you reading?

    We've had to do TKAM as well. I really didn't find it very interesting though but it's better than what we're doing now. (Poetry.... woopee woo...) At the moment I'm reading two books: '1984' by George Orwell, haven't read it for a while but I'm about a hundred pages in and I'm really...