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  1. Rush

    Rate the Person Above

    I've seen you posting a lot more recently and you have a cool username. 8/10
  2. Rush

    The ^ < V game

    ^Nah I'm going Tuesday :) < Is going to lots of UK parks. :D V Is also going to lots of parks.
  3. Rush

    Rate the Person Above

    9/10 for being an all round good poster.
  4. Rush

    Rate the Person Above

    10 for Tony, great member and awesome to talk to on MSN.
  5. Rush

    Rate the Person Above

    I don't really know you, you've been absent for a while and you post in here a bit to much too, so..... 7/10
  6. Rush

    Rate the Person Above

    I've seen you post a lot although I don't really know you. 8/10
  7. Rush

    Rate the Person Above

    Good improvement but still makes some mistakes. 9/10
  8. Rush

    Rate the Person Above

    I don't really know you that well but you live in S. Wales so... 7.5/10
  9. Rush

    Rate the Person Above

    8/10 Cool guy.
  10. Rush

    Rate the Person Above

    Aimed at Rach Great poster and makes superb sets very quickly. 11/10 I could meet you at Drayton/Alton as well once my mum can accept I can travel by train. :roll: Aimed at Ormerod Ormerod I've seen you post quite a lot recently and you've made good posts so 9.5/10
  11. Rush

    Rate the Person Above

    Yes but I've been a cool bastard. :wink: 8/10 for you mate.
  12. Rush

    Rate the Person Above

    10/10 Great guy to talk to on MSN.
  13. Rush

    Rate the joke above

    HAHA! That's pretty funny. 8/10 Alright this one is quite dirty and long. A man is going on a, long week business trip. However, his wife is extremely h*rny and cannot stand not having sex every night. So her husband decides to go to a w*ng shop and purchase a toy for her. However...
  14. Rush

    Rate the Person Above

    There that's a much nicer comment. You can have an 8.
  15. Rush

    Rate the Person Above

    ^What project. :P Well I've seen you post a lot and you have some good stuff to say so that's a 10/10. (Sorry that's for Falcon.) Naughty-kid, shaky start but you're getting there. 10/10
  16. Rush

    Rate the Person Above

    10/10 you've been getting slated a lot recently but I think you're improving and have the potential to become a great member if you be more careful in what you write.
  17. Rush

    Rate the Person Above

    10, awesome guy who I'm talking to on MSN now. :D
  18. Rush

    Rate the Person Above

    You get 10 cos your sehr cool. (I can't be arsed with my 106 ratings anymore)
  19. Rush

    Rate the Person Above

    You used to be cool, but now you're a bully. 30/106 ^Aimed at Patrick. 103 for Tony because he's bullying a bit as well.
  20. Rush

    Rate the Person Above

    106 for being a great member in the forums and also posting some great trip reports.