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  1. Rush

    Rate the Person Above

    106 because it's Taylor of course.
  2. Rush

    Storm Runner vs Stunt Fall

    I thnk he's chosen two coasters close to ach other on the Top Coasters. :? Storm Runner looks the better but I think SF looks cool. Deep down SF is really a boomerang with an insane lift and being inverted. Also SR has some of the most unique elements ever.
  3. Rush

    Rate the Person Above

    Come on lets not be so tough on this guy. Although he was the biggest ****ing pain since spambots, this is technically bullying as we have been warned not to do so. Can we just forget the past and move on, besides we don't want the noobs to see we're bullying other members. So 74/106 (about 7/10)
  4. Rush

    Rate the Person Above

    106 for being a great member on the forums and a good maker of RCT3 parks.
  5. Rush

    Rate the Person Above

    105.5 for you. I've talked to you once on CoasterChat and you make some good posts on the forum.
  6. Rush

    Rate the Person Above

    106 because you like Rush lots too!
  7. Rush

    Do you take your shoes off while riding inverts/flyers?

    Well I don't on Inverted coasters due to the four I've been on, three of them I was with my parents and they wouldn't let you. You're not allowed to anyway on Inferno although I've tried, though I do take them off on Rush and Vortex and sometimes Samurai. (I don't like doing that because I...
  8. Rush

    Rate the Person Above

    105.5 becaue I haven't met you. :P Fine then 106 because I'm feeling like it.
  9. Rush

    Rate the Person Above

    106. You're never online.
  10. Rush

    Rate the Person Above

    I've seen you quite a bit on the forums and has an awesome set. 104
  11. Rush

    Rate the Person Above

    106 you have improved majorly.
  12. Rush

    Rate the Person Above

    Grrr! They always get around. 106
  13. Rush

    Rate the Person Above

  14. Rush

    Rate the Person Above

    You get 106 for sure.
  15. Rush

    Rate the Person Above

    You know get 52/106 for breaking my copyright laws in the Siig/Ava topic.
  16. Rush

    Rate the Person Above

    ^You are correct so you get 106!
  17. Rush

    Rate the Person Above

    Don't really know you and you've cased a bit of trouble. 53/106
  18. Rush

    Rate the Person Above

    You get an 106 for those photos.
  19. Rush

    Rate the Person Above

    105 Not quite 106 because I don't know you too well but you've made some good posts.
  20. Rush

    Rate the Person Above

    Damn I'm always rating you. 106.