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Coasterforce Quiz!!!


CF Legend
What is with all the sport questions?

I got NINE of the bastards! NINE! And they're all ****ing World-cup.


Giga Poster
Stuff that I though they were all going be on sport, got questions about France and ships.

Also they had down Ibrahimovic as still playing for Ajax. That was years ago.
Five, and the only two I actually knew were the French ones. The other ones I absoloutely had zero idea about, so I guessed, and came out with a result of fifty percent.

So I suppose that's kind of a decent score, for not knowing most of the questions!


Giga Poster
It's been a while since I played this, but I got 6..... :roll:

Surprised at the amount of guessing I did, I think I only actually knew the answer to one of them.


Staff member
Social Media Team
In agreement with everyone above about how crap it is to have all the sport questions under a "Europe" quiz. Another one to be removed I feel...

There has to be more categries than the ones we've been stuck with surely. Movies? Music? TV? Science?

Not that I want science, but some variety would be good. A few more General Knowledge would be good, too. They seem to contain the least amount of crap.


From CoasterForce
Staff member
Social Media Team
Yeah, sport is a **** subject, but it is general.

I would like to see more variation.

8/10 today.


Staff member
I'm with Gavin, we need something like TV and Music. They're things that pretty much everyone has an interest in.

A lot of people don't follow ANY sport, or just a single type, but most people now a broader range when it comes to TV, films and music.

If sport became a section, I'd have to stop playing because I know I'd not be able to answer any questions on that quiz :D


Hyper Poster
Dagnabbit - I had 9 but changed an answer to give myself 8, god knows why as I've known that answer for years.


Hyper Poster
9/10 "I don't believe it" have to do this when I'm half asleep next time, had a **** morning so this makes up for it :)


Strata Poster
ARGH! I would have had a perfect ten! But my messenger maximized itself when signing in and by it didn't recognize me clicking on Mason Storm :(