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  1. Rush

    Ireland. PTR

    Surely eating that many beans would give you enough gas to get to Dublin. Would be a lot quicker and more luxurious than Ryanair anyway. :P
  2. Rush

    The Cool Wall - On Track - September posted!

    [Edited to include reasons] 1. Toverland - Cool It looks like a fun and unique looking park with a very nice looking woodie. The booster bike looks decent too if it's anything like Velocity. 2. Blue Fire, Europa Park - Sub-Zero Looks absolutely incredible, heard excellent reviews about...
  3. Rush

    32 hurt in Big Dipper Crash

    Are they not sure that the riders were injured BEFORE the crash, not as a result of it? :wink:
  4. Rush

    First Thing

    Milkybar Kid.
  5. Rush

    "Now Showing"

    On the way to America, we got this cool film library which let us choose from a HUGE selection of movies instead of about 6. You could also actually pause them so you could go for a piss without missing everything. (Which is good, for a plane.) Anyway, first film I put on was Gladiator as I...
  6. Rush

    The Land of Stereotypes (Busch Gardens Europe) - PTR

    As I mentioned earlier, I thought with the family in mind and thought they'd MUCH prefer Busch. SFGAdv was a bit tricky to get to from New York as we were staying in Times Square and my dad specifically said he wasn't driving in it. I'll without doubt be checking it out next time I am in the...
  7. Rush

    What Is The Most Forceful Ride You Have Ever Been On?

    This. Coaster-wise, definitely Alpengeist. Really high forces at the bottom of all the drops and the cobra roll is the most insane experience I've ever had on a coaster; phenomely snappy and the lead out really makes your food go down quickly. The first ride I've ever come off with...
  8. Rush

    Alton - 25th July

    I LOLed at the Rita ORP! :lol: Seems like you had a nice day and got on a pretty decent amount of stuff without whoring it to bits. Nice pictures of Rita there as well. An enjoyable read. :)
  9. Rush

    The Land of Stereotypes (Busch Gardens Europe) - PTR

    Rush would be between Oblivion and California Screamin'. So number 4.5. :P Busch looked so much nicer and it meant not having to spend another night in New York. :wink: Haha yeah, I just think it's so awesome and fun it had to go in there. Thanks for the comments everyone. :)
  10. Rush

    Lakeside Gardens Park

    YAY! A Screamin' Swing! Shame the supports are butt ugly! :P Oh and well done for straightening the brake run on that hyper, it looks a huge amount better. The Gerstlauer looks pretty good, reminds me more of a Maurer more though due to it having a less compact layout. If that were a real...
  11. Rush

    The Land of Stereotypes (Busch Gardens Europe) - PTR

    Long post ahead; read at your own peril. :lol: Lazy members, I have put ride names in bold so if you want to scan to see reviews, look for them there. So, on my epic trip across the pond, my parents agreed to take me to a theme park (of my choice.) I was going to decide between Busch or Six...
  12. Rush

    Which Cludeo character would you say you are?

    Miss Scarlett. Obviously. :wink:
  13. Rush

    What ride is this? (Silly MSN News)

    ^15 original layouts. That isn't counting Batman/Raptor clones.
  14. Rush

    Celebrity Deaths 2009 Edition

    Not exactly a celebrity, but the world's oldest man and World War I veteran died earlier aged 113 and 42 days. Only had a month of the title, not that anyone would particularly want it though.
  15. Rush

    Cedar Point | News and Rumor Topic | New talk Page 42

    More flags and pics of new vending machines and bins please! :wink:
  16. Rush

    Favourite Major British Airline?

    British Airways. It's the only one I ever fly by really and it has the nicest livery.
  17. Rush

    How do you rate your coasters?

    There are three stages to my complex way of "credit" collection and ra(n)ting system, so read carefully. Stage 1 - Pre-ride Judgement For every theme park I go to, it is essential I put on my smartest attire. When arriving at the park, I immediately head to the biggest "credit" in the park...
  18. Rush

    Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

    I know I'm going to be in the most minuscule minority here, but I prefered it to the book. (I really don't like the book.) The opening was really good and set the good dark mood throughout the film. The film itself looks more professionally made (to me) than the previous two, the effects were...
  19. Rush

    Plans for 2009

    I know for sure I'm going to Busch Gardens Europe at the start of August as part of family holiday. Possibly might go to Coney Island for a bit when we're in New York. As I no longer have an Anal Pass... I reckon I'll probably do Thorpe twice with Bouncebacks and a trip to Alton in September...
  20. Rush

    newbie topic ban

    No. There are already limitations on new accounts and preventing them posting a topic would make them feel very unwelcome, especially as a considerable amount of newbies join to ask questions in Q&A or get advice for a project. As Jools said, they learn from their mistakes as well. (Usually)