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  1. Rush

    vortex seats?

    Almost. The best seat is ANY seat on Rush. :P
  2. Rush

    394ft Freefall Ride coming the UK!

    I was hoping it to be a 394ft drop tower for Alton, contained in a sequoia so as not to exceed the tree line. :wink: :P
  3. Rush

    Yep. Propper PTR this time tho...

    If you get to the park at opening, I would spend £4 on fastrack for Saw. That way you are guaranteed to not have to queue for it and then you can go for other rides. On Wednesday the Saw queue reached 45 minutes after 5 minutes of opening. I would quickly get a ride on Colossus as that gets...
  4. Rush

    "Mumbo Jumbo" - S&S El Loco for Flamingo Land

    Yes, but WHY allow just two people on? Surely everyone would want a ride? Also you know that they are opening THIS Saturday, July 4th. You mentioned you went Weds, the 24th and said they were opening the Saturday, the 27th which it clearly didn't. Staff surely get a ride because they are...
  5. Rush

    "Mumbo Jumbo" - S&S El Loco for Flamingo Land

    Errm.... photographic evidence or it didn't happen. I don't see why the park would breach many rules just to let two people ride who lived far away. I don't believe there have been any soft openings either or I might just be behind. It definitely wasn't operating in Pierre's TR from Saturday...
  6. Rush

    Right, who was at Thorpe Park today? (Sunday 28th June)

    A-Kid. He's there like, every week! :P
  7. Rush

    Rate the joke above

    7/10. I laughed a bit. When Bird Flu arrived, people started killing a huge number of birds. Now that Swine flu is here, everyone is killing pigs. I can't wait for Goon Flu!
  8. Rush


    Don't be too hard done by by these comments, Steven. Continue to cook, take on board what people have said, and learn from your mistakes by not posting your work on the forums. Oh and make sure you're the only one who eats it, we don't want everyone to contract Goon Flu.
  9. Rush

    Draw with your keyboard

    <:3( )~~ A mouse.
  10. Rush

    Celebrity Deaths 2009 Edition

    Maybe you should re-click that link. Anyway, R.I.P to one of the greatest music artists to have ever lived.
  11. Rush

    I have something for you guys

    Shouldn't that say 'YOU'RE A WINNER' instead of 'YOU'RE WINNER'? Or is it acceptable in kimahrian?
  12. Rush

    Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

    Book 6 was my least favourite book and I have a feeling it will make a better film. I seem to be the only person who liked book/film number 2! I actually really enjoyed the plot and thought it was darker than some of the others. The latest films have been a bit poor, especially the third...
  13. Rush


    Well you wouldn't exactly want to queue up for a concussion, so yes I wouldn't queue up for rides I find painful, if I did, there would have to be a special reason.
  14. Rush

    Gliding - PTR

    Well we only go gliding in Abingdon, but if I change squadrons or move away then I might get the opputunity to go there. :--D These particular gliders aren't really designed for aerobatics but you get some really strong G's for just pitching up. I do prefer aeros in the Tutor however, mainly...
  15. Rush

    Gliding - PTR

    Thanks very much Ian. We also fly another aircraft which is the Tutor, a trainee plane which is much more manoueverable and can do aerobatics which easily exceed 6G, far more thrilling than the average rollercoaster. :wink: I'll make sure I do another report when I get in one of those again.
  16. Rush

    Gliding - PTR

    Photos are not professional, pretty poor quality and about the content, not the overall effect. Right, first some background stuff, I am part of a youth organisation known as The Air Training Corp, (or most commonly known as the Air Cadets.) basically, it is a voluntary organisation which is...