Search results

  1. Rush

    What Parks do you know like the back of your hand?

    None, nor do I try to. Honestly, there's always something different I find when I go back to parks, if I honestly knew them like the back of my hand, I'd never need to visit again.
  2. Rush

    Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

    I'm currently listening to the soundtrack as well on YouTube and I am really impressed by it! Nicholas Hooper has done a fantastic job from what I've heard so far. Only criticism of it is that one or two of the tracks really don't sound like Harry Potter at all. Can't wait for the piano music...
  3. Rush

    Cats Or Dogs

    Remind me NEVER to invite you round. You might not like them but to want them shot because you find them annoying is just horrible. They don't do anyone any harm at all. Anyway, I love both, having grown up with both but I can see myself getting a dog in the future more than a cat. Dogs are...
  4. Rush

    Favourite Front Row Ride?

    I agree, front row on Apocalypse is AMAZING! :wink: To be honest, I prefer nearly every ride in the front row. I'd say the exceptions would be airtime coasters, multi-loopers and woodies.
  5. Rush

    Swine Flu

    Our school got their first confirmed case yesterday and I'm pretty sure someone down my road has it as well. Of course, I'm not getting my pants in a twist over it.
  6. Rush

    Grated or Sliced.

    Sliced.... it provides a more even amount of cheese over the bread. Grated tends to have a huge clump of cheese over the middle and less round the edges. (Although that's because I grate it into the middle of the bread.)
  7. Rush

    All Over Bracket Matches 3, 7, 12, & 16

    25 - G5 5 - Kawasemi 10 - Insane Speed 11 - Dive Coaster
  8. Rush

    All Over Bracket Matches 4, 5, 11, & 14

    9 - Behemoth 4 - Eejanaika 7 - Fujiyama 19 - Hollywood Dream
  9. Rush

    Rate the Sig and Avatar - II

    Xcelerator = 10/10. Although -1 for the sig as the logo being too far away from the rest of the sig. So 9.5/10.
  10. Rush

    Biggest White Elephants?

    It was described 'as smooth as a baby bottom' and one of the best SLC's out there. It was neither, Infusion is better.
  11. Rush

    Biggest White Elephants?

    I say Nemesis as well. It did not live up to my expectations in the slightest. I have ridden it only 4 times but I found it to be weak on all four apart from the main 'drop' and zero-g roll. It's horribly rough, I dislike the layout, the pacing is horrible. What is the point in building up...
  12. Rush

    Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

    I agree, Professor McGonagall is some major eye-candy. :P
  13. Rush

    Willy Wonka vs. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

    That has to be one of the dumbest things I've ever read. I hope you realise that CGI is way more complicated than clicking a few buttons and drawing a couple of lines. It certainly isn't easy. CGI makes it look a huge amount better, not because it's an easy way out. (Which it certainly...
  14. Rush

    Celebrity Deaths 2009 Edition

    ^That joke's already been done.
  15. Rush

    Willy Wonka vs. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

    I prefer the newer one by far. The original left me very underwhelmed. It didn't appeal to me at all and I found it very boring. I had doubts seeing the re-make but I was pleasantly surprised by it. I thought it was far more wacky, better executed and it looked visually better too. Johnny...
  16. Rush

    Nicky's America Trip 20th June - 2nd July

    WOW! That's almost the exact holiday I'm going on in 3 weeks! (with Williamsburg added) Can't wait to see your pics and all as well as what you thought of everything. Glad you had a fun time there!