Search results

  1. Rush

    Rides you rode in the opening season?

    Well we didn't go to Germany in the end... but I can still add Grover's Alpine Express to the list. :lol:
  2. Rush

    First Thing

  3. Rush

    best hyper coasters

    I'll just list those over 200ft or that have a drop over 200ft. 1. Xcelerator. 2. Griffon 3. Apollo's Chariot (technically over 200ft drop.) 4. Pepsi Max. Stealth is somewhere at the bottom of the page.
  4. Rush

    Bad Movies

    Anything with Corden and Horne in shouldn't be watched in the first place. As for crap movies, as Emmett said, there's always going to be more suck-fests than blockbusters but these movies particularly suck: Quantum of Solace. Gladiator. (Turned it off) Shaun of the Dead. (Most may...
  5. Rush

    Cedar Point | News and Rumor Topic | New talk Page 42

    Damn it, I was anticipating the World's largest and steepest Eurofighter.
  6. Rush

    Is Saw the best ride in the UK?

    It's not even the best ride at Thorpe. Oblivion. <3
  7. Rush


    Yes, I had one on Stealth two years ago. As much as they're raved about, I think they're over-hyped to be honest but maybe that's because I don't like Stealth that much anyway. I bet they would be better on the taller rides anyway or on the smaller rides for the comedy value.
  8. Rush

    Theme Park STUFF collecting...

    Okay. I have 3 Busch Gardens Williamsburg maps to give out. As I don't collect maps I don't really want one in return. The maps have been folded quite a bit but otherwise they're in pretty good condition. (God it feels like I'm talking like David Dickenson. :lol:) As Busch print out maps...
  9. Rush

    Your favorite moment of airtime?

    I've never had any airtime on Stealth. Ever. Xcelerator's top hat has some REAL ejector. :P It's amazing what a difference 2mph and lap bars makes. I personally love the awesome ejector you get on Oblivion's drop. Amazing. Griffon also has that ejector on its second drop as well as the lovely...
  10. Rush

    First Thing

  11. Rush

    Three Word Story II

    large, manly feather.
  12. Rush

    Rate the Sig and Avatar - II

    Ah Daniel, you are alive! :P 10/10 anyway. Manta is perhaps the prettiest coaster ever built! =D
  13. Rush

    Rate the Sig and Avatar - II

    2/10 for having yourself in it! :P
  14. Rush

    USA Steel Bracket Finals!

    4 - Alpengeist. It might be a bit biased seeing as Alpy is my number 1 and I haven't been on Bizarro but it blew me away like no other coaster has ever done. It looks nicer and really fits in a lot more to its surroundings than Bizarro. (Plus it's not themed to a sucky comic character. :P)...
  15. Rush


    Short story. Yesterday, as I was putting my cereal bowl in the dishwasher, my sister's bread had just finished toasting and it (unexpectedly) popped up, accompanied by the springing sound. This startled me causing me to drop my cereal bowl and break it. Today, I had toast and I was even a bit...
  16. Rush

    Missing Scene in DarKastle?

    Post contains spoilers. Ye be warned. Okay, I noticed that there seemed to be a scene a bit lacking on 'Curse of DarKastle' at Busch Gardens Williamsburg. It's the part where you go through a fireplace and the evil king says "it's time to heat things up." On both my rides, it went through...
  17. Rush

    USA Steel Bracket Semi Finals!

    4 - Alpengeist! <3 22 - X2. (I reckon Alpengeist has more chance of winning against it. :P)
  18. Rush

    First Thing

    Posts everytime Taylor does.
  19. Rush

    Top 10: 2009 Edition

    Bah.. might as well. 1. Alpengeist - Busch 2. Xcelerator - Knott's 3. Griffon - Busch 4. Oblivion - Alton 5. California Screamin' - CA Adventure 6. Hulk - IoA 7. Space Mountain - Disney CA 8. Wild Mouse - Blackpool 9. Apollo's Chariot - Busch 10. Dragon's Fury - Chessie Saw...
  20. Rush

    My second visit to Thorpe - PTR 14/08/09

    No Rush? Boo! I agree that Inferno hasn't been as good as it used to be last year, maybe less so having been on its biggest brother. Colossus on the other hand is a ride I find enjoyable every ride, even if it's a tad bumpy. It looks like you had a great day though and I'm pleased you got...