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Missing Scene in DarKastle?


Giga Poster
Post contains spoilers. Ye be warned.

Okay, I noticed that there seemed to be a scene a bit lacking on 'Curse of DarKastle' at Busch Gardens Williamsburg. It's the part where you go through a fireplace and the evil king says "it's time to heat things up." On both my rides, it went through the fireplace into darkness and span round lots and lots of times.

Originally I thought this was part of the ride until I re-read furie's report from Busch and I noticed Jerry had said that the chimney scene was not working when they went.

My questions:

1. Was this where the chimney scene is meant to be?

2. If it is, what did it used to do / what usually happens in this scene?

3. Does it, in your opinion, make the ride a bit worse not having it in there?

Thanks. :D


East Coast(er) General
Staff member
What wasn't working when we went in May was the fire effect in the fireplace as you pass through it & all the smoke in the following room as you spin round & round to rise up out of the top of the chimney (effect). If you check out my Curse of DarKastle POV that I posted here on CF quite some time ago (http://www.coasterforce.com/Videos/p13_sectionid/9/p13_fileid/554), you can see the full ride to compare it to what you experienced.


Giga Poster
This sort of relates to the topic, but I have seen POV of two versions of this scene.

In one version, you go through the fireplace, and then you end up on the roof, with ghosts waltzing around you.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTzdHh41f38 (2:20)

In the other version, you go along an ice roller coaster coming out of the mothers bottom:
(ECG's vid is this version)

When and why did they make the switch to the newer version?