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Alton - 25th July


Giga Poster
Better late than never. It's only taken me just over 2 weeks to get this up. :roll:

So anyway, me and Nicky went along on the 25th via the lovely bus known as the 15 from Stoke station.
Said bus is supposed to depart at 8:20, my train got in at 8:19. Knowing where to go, I ran as quickly as possible to the bus and just got on it before it went.
There were two girls behind me on the train that were also going, but as I weren't feeling particularly nice and these people didn't look that pleasant, I didn't help them and later in the day we saw them in the park. :lol:

We got there around 50 minutes later and headed straight for Rita. And as this is Rita, she was in a mood and didn't fancy working. So we headed over to Oblivion, the queue for this was walk on, but it took longer to walk around the entire queue line than what it did to wait in the station and ride.

So after some Oblivion action, we headed back over to Rita, not before getting some shots of the Sky Ride and SW6.



As Rita was now working, we got in the queue, it was just under the launch track, so we waited 5 minutes and were soon on and enjoyed it. Seeing that the SRQ was empty, we headed into that. The bloke who was sitting in front of us who was clearly a coaster enthusiast also headed there. (Purple strap on, Fuji-Q t-shirt and come park hat) I had to stare at the back of his head again.

After waiting for Nicky as she was on the next train, we headed over to Mutiny Bay for some doughnuts having missed the 10am stampede. After doughnuts and awwing over cute duckies we went into the Sealife Centre before it got crowded.

Nothing new to report there apart from a couple of rather large and new crabs. After leaving the Sealife Centre, we headed onto RMT and after a couple of laps on that, we queued for the Rapids that were due to be open in 10 minutes.

The rapids were as fun as ever but not as wet. After the Rapids we decided on heading to Forbidden Valley completely by-passing Nemesis and heading for Err.
When we got in the queue, we thought it went all the way down to the turnaround and back up again, but it was just at the top of the hill.

We were on in around 15 minutes and spotted Chaz with a parent queue share. The ride was surprisingly fun. I haven't really rated Err since 06, but I thought it was better than some of my previous rides.


While in Err's queue, we thought we would ride Ripsaw as we hadn't done it before for quite a while. After queuing for around 10 minutes we witnessed one moist setting, then one damp setting we thought we would be alright.
However we were not, we didn't get a moist or damp setting we got a drenching setting.
I stupidly leant forward and got a really wet back for the rest of the day.



We then saw the next ride after ours and they got a moist setting, I was not impressed, but as it was pretty warm, we weren't that bothered.

We then headed back to Towers street as I wanted to see why the hell my AP won't work in the turnstiles. I was told that it was due to a problem on some of the gold APs, but it didn't matter.

We then headed to the Corner Coffee shop which for the first time in the history of that shop didn't have a stupidly long queue. I got a nice sandwich as I left mine at home. :(

We then headed back down towards Mutiny Bay and on the way spotted two photo pass tickets lying on the floor. So we picked them up and used them later in the day.

Nicky then went to BK in Mutiny Bay and we went and ate our lunch by the Flume and ended up sharing out table with a family as there was no other room for them.
I also fed the ducks that came and harassed us and as soon as their bellies were full, they left us and went and quacked at someone else.

Having done everything we really wanted to do and still having around 3 hours left. We headed over to Rita again with the intention of waiting for the front row.
The queue was really quite large and was meandering into the second cattle pen with the full queue open.
Typically, after queuing for around 20 minutes it had another hissy fit and broke.




It was down for around 25 minutes, in which a lot of people left the queue by hoping over the fences. It was rather amusing watching people struggle out the queue and some even fell flat on their faces or got their balls caught on the fence posts. :lol:

We stuck out the queue and it paid off, we managed to get from the little shop right up to the end of the large cattle pen before it started to work again.
Eventually, we were in the front row queue which added 10 more minutes onto our queueing time.

I <3 front row Rita, and I <3 watching peoples faces in the queue watching the train launch. After a great and windswept ride we go over and buy the photo with our tickets that we found.


After a rather long queue for Rita, we were pretty worn out, but we still trudged over to Nemesis as we ignored it earlier in the day. We took the garden short cut and this is where I saw the people from behind me on the train.

We got over to Nemesis to be greeted with a 30 minute queue as it was at the top and near the lift.
The queue passed reasonably quickly and we decided on a back row ride. Nicky wasn't feeling up to the intense seat, so I took it.
It was as intense as always and good fun for a Nemesis disliker.


I still had a bit of energy left in me, so decided to walk over to Oblivion on the way back to the bus stop.
By this time, Nicky was exhausted, so she decided to sit at the bottom of the pit and take photos.

I trudged around the entire queue again, to yet again find it near enough walk on.
Great ride as always and walked round to see Nicky who I had seen while on ride still taking photos not realising I had already been on.


Back row, left hand side. Very similar to the one that Martyn took over two years ago. (http://www.the365project.co.uk/Gallerie ... /photo.jpg)

So now exhausted, we headed to the bus stop. And that ended another great day at Alton this year. :)
Looks like a great, if not a little busy, day at Alton. I really fancy this park at the moment, ditto Chessie. Must get up there at some point this summer.
I LOLed at the Rita ORP! :lol:

Seems like you had a nice day and got on a pretty decent amount of stuff without whoring it to bits. Nice pictures of Rita there as well.

An enjoyable read. :)