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  1. Rush

    Coasterforce Quiz!!!

    4/10. Bit of a shame after doing so well yesterday.... darn it for me confusing my easts and wests though!
  2. Rush

    Coasterforce Quiz!!!

    10/10 in 42 seconds and currently top. I love history quizzes! Although I'll probably be overthrown at the last minute again.
  3. Rush

    What's your porn star name?

    Bessie Ogier..... well it doesn't help that I'm male. :lol:
  4. Rush

    Coasterforce Quiz!!!

    3/10. Bacically I know zilch about NASCAR.
  5. Rush

    Coasterforce Quiz!!!

    Six! Most of my questions were about French. Good thing I took it for GCSE. (well actually I'll always regret taking it!)
  6. Rush

    Last 5 Coasters?

    Nemesis Inferno Colossus X Colon Backslash What the F*ck Flying Fish Stealth Guess where I've been (or not been)... :roll:
  7. Rush

    Coasterforce Quiz!!!

    Eight! Didn't expect it as I was just guessing half of them. Well currently first..... and last. :P No doubt though I'll probably be de-throned again!
  8. Rush

    Coasterforce Quiz!!!

    Eight! Better than I expected anyway, yay for Minor Seconds and Music Theory. :D
  9. Rush

    Coasterforce Quiz!!!

    ^ Nope.... unhooked you with 4/10! :P
  10. Rush

    Coasterforce Quiz!!!

    2/10.... the first question had an option of 'Rush' so I chose it. :lol: Alas. It was wrong. Baseball tomorrow. Oh goody.
  11. Rush

    What park music do you have?

    Mostly Thorpe and Alton and MF as well. I had Tomb Blaster but I got rid of it somehow. I need to find more sites to find music from.
  12. Rush

    CCI or GCI?

    GCI! They're coasters look so new and fun. They're also very beautiul. CCI looks alright, but Ghostrider was a bit crap and I think GCI look better overall!
  13. Rush

    who do you go to themeparks with?

    I go to local parks e.g. Thorpe and Chessie with friends. Those further away e.g. Blackpool, Florida and California with my family. However I'll probably say friends as I go to Thorpe the most.
  14. Rush

    Coasterforce Quiz!!!

    Woop 8/10.... which is good as I was expecting to do crap!
  15. Rush

    Vending Machine

    Receive: A person called Michael Samuel Nougat. Insert: Kelis.
  16. Rush

    Coasterforce Quiz!!!

    5/10. I'm not very good with Scottish ballards...
  17. Rush

    Vending Machine

    Receive: HIV :( Insert: A bag of mouldy egg and tuna baguettes.
  18. Rush

    "SAW - The Ride" - Eurofighter for Thorpe Park

    I hope it's called Humdinger.....
  19. Rush

    Worst ride ever?

    Yes it's absolutely dreadful. Big Dipper is a close second. My back got mashed on it.
  20. Rush

    Worst ride ever?

    Quantum. Violent and not good after lunch. Need I say more?