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who do you go to themeparks with?


  • family

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  • friends

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  • girlfriend/boyfriend

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Uncle Arly

Strata Poster
Manily my sister, we nearly always go together, sometimes one of my brothers comes along to.

Plus my sisters house is only half hour from Drayton so its more convenient to go with her!


Giga Poster
I go to local parks e.g. Thorpe and Chessie with friends.

Those further away e.g. Blackpool, Florida and California with my family.

However I'll probably say friends as I go to Thorpe the most.


Matt SR
Staff member
Social Media Team
All of the above.

To me, the more the merrier, and I have yet to say no to anyone asking to go to an amusement park with me.


Mega Poster
Either family or Rob.

But I like to go myself as well. That way there's no arguing about what ride's next.


Hyper Poster
At Valleyfair usually myself cause nobody I know wants to go 5 times a week at least but sometimes with family and friends.

At other parks it's my dad or mom cause they travel withe me obviously.
Before it use to be my mom and stepdad, but now it's usually friends, which mostly includes CoasterForcers.

I don't go with my boyfriend, as he hasn't ever been on a coaster :p .


Hyper Poster
If it's one of the Yorkshire parks, then I'll usually go with family.

If it's a park further afield, I'll usually see if any of my friends are up for a trip. If not, I'll quite happily visit on my own if no-one else wants to go.


CF Legend
All three, family are all enthusiasts (thought they don't do the forum thing), boyfriend loves them and tries to come with me whenever I go and every year I organise a theme park weekend thing for me and my friends. CFers should be on that list too because as of this year the majority of parks I've been to have been with Coasterforce members =]


Giga Poster
I used to go with my family when I was younger, but now I mostly go with my friend who likes parks too. Most of my other friends wouldn't be into parks.


Staff member
I'd like to say all three, but the wife would get upset if I brought along my girlfriend :p

It's always a mix for me, and always has been. I enjoy park trips no matter who I'm with though :)


Staff member
Social Media Team
I mainly go with my brother.

My parents don't really like the rides so they tend to have a day out in the surrounding area.


Roller Poster
Mostly with friends but I go with family too. A lot of my friends are getting season passes this year too so it will be a really fun summer.


Hyper Poster
Usually my friends, especially when going to Thorpe.

Last time I went to Alton I went with my sister, and I went to the SoCal parks with my dad.

But yeah, usually friends.