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  1. Rush

    Rate the Sig and Avatar - II

    Ava: 8/10 only because the part looks Dutch. Sig: 9/10... looks surreal and I like the shot of Stealth's train.
  2. Rush

    Coasterforce Quiz!!!

    What the hell? Where was the first World Cup played? Uruguay! Last time I checked, Uruguay wasn't in Europe.
  3. Rush

    Project June - Update 5: 21st AUGUST [ By 00Tom00 ]

    Well Tom, it's a fantastic start! Great effort. The plane crash is totally orginal and is very well executed. Although I think Hurricane has to be the most overrused name in RCT3... ever. :lol: Splitbark looks really good, completely original yet again. The theming round the overbank looks...
  4. Rush

    Coasterforce Quiz!!!

    Wow! 7! I've gone from bottom to top! I've had a sucky month this month.... I seem to be bottom like all the time.
  5. Rush

    Coasterforce Quiz!!!

    7/10..... all of mine were on Drayton's height restrictions and bands that opened their rides. :roll: Oh and one on Skegness.
  6. Rush

    Coasterforce Quiz!!!

    ****ing hell, I've been doing god-awful this week! How did everyone get 10! All my questions were on ****ty executed war criminals and TV shows I've never heard of.
  7. Rush

    Jam or custard?

    Custard! It's so much nicer than jam. Also I could happily eat only custard over only jam.
  8. Rush

    "SAW - The Ride" - Eurofighter for Thorpe Park

    Well they've failed twice, third time lucky. :wink:
  9. Rush

    "Now Showing"

    :wink: I didn't say I didn't enjoy it. As a hollywood blockbuster, it was **** but I still liked it. It's one of those films which has some really cringe-worthy camera work and acting but that doesn't stop it being enjoyable. I was probably a bit harsh with a 6, more of a 6.5 to 7.
  10. Rush

    "Now Showing"

    I have 2 and a half films to review. First, Hot Fuzz. I'll say that this is probably one of the worst-made films ever. Shakey cameras, extreme unrealistic and some parts were just awful. However I still quite liked it. The church steeple murder rocked! However I don't think I'll be in a...
  11. Rush

    "SAW - The Ride" - Eurofighter for Thorpe Park

    ^It's not gone, it will re-open next season after the coaster has opened.
  12. Rush

    Last thing you ate?

    A cookie! :D
  13. Rush

    Coasterforce Quiz!!!

    7/10 but that's because I am not a mother currently breast-feeding their child.
  14. Rush

    Coasterforce Quiz!!!

    7/10.... that topic was so WTF.... I mean anagrams and Harry Potter Mix-ups.... what a load of gobble-de-gooke...
  15. Rush

    Coasterforce Quiz!!!

    Five.... although six of my questions were of golden retrievers and annoyingly I got a question I answered correct one week wrong today.
  16. Rush

    Coasterforce Quiz!!!

    Eight, which is good because I thought I'd done worse.
  17. Rush

    Your worst merlin park

    ^I totally agree with SC. I mean it's supposedly well themed but having seen the new additions, they look very dumped on concrete. Personally I don't find Thorpe that bad. I've enjoyed every trip bar one which I've been to and as SC said, the others don't have Rush. :P The only real problem...
  18. Rush

    Coasterforce Quiz!!!

    3.... I hate movies. Eurgh I've appeared to be near the top then near the bottom all week. Hope that means good for tomorrow!
  19. Rush

    Coasterforce Quiz!!!

    8/10!!! Don't know how, they were pretty lucky guesses. :P
  20. Rush

    Coasterforce Quiz!!!

    2.... but for ****s sake, are American football and baseball the only sports around or something?