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Coasterforce Quiz!!!


Giga Poster
I try to guess them today. See how fast I could do it with just pressing random answers and my plan sort of worked ;)



Giga Poster
Wow! 7! I've gone from bottom to top! I've had a sucky month this month.... I seem to be bottom like all the time.


CF Legend
Missed the little circle for the last question and clicked submit so it said I got it wrong when I knew the answer. :x

So as I result I'm last but would of been first if I didn't ****ing miss it. ARRRGGHHH!


Giga Poster
What the hell?

Where was the first World Cup played? Uruguay! Last time I checked, Uruguay wasn't in Europe.


Hyper Poster
5/10 and all guesses. Not bad actually but I wish these quizzes were a bit easier for me. Oh well glad I'm not last for once.


Staff member
Social Media Team
I'm in ****ing second place now, thanks to missing a couple of days.

This can NOT happen!!!
Aw, I figured criminals meant like, serial killers and such. That I wouldn't totally owned at, but this? I only got three out of ten. How do search and rescue dogs tie into criminals?


Mega Poster
^ Exactly. And some 50's ministers in France. I knew one, got that right, all 9 guesses wrong :lol: My worst score ever.