Search results

  1. Rush

    "SAW - The Ride" - Eurofighter for Thorpe Park

    ^No, if there is there will be an update posted. People are so impatient. :roll: As for the track, it looks great actually and completely different to what I was expecting. For some reason I thought the airtime hill was after the immelmann. :? I'm looking forward to seeing it progressing...
  2. Rush

    Whats your favourite ride music?

    ^ Primeval Whirl? Anyways, best music for me is probably The Flume at Alton. It's rather jazzy and makes me happy. :) Honorable mentions go to California Screamin', Revenge of the Mummy, Jurassic Calypso (IoA), Colossus, Tomb Blaster and Duel.
  3. Rush

    Corkscrew's Removal (Alton Towers)

    I'm quite sad it's going. Sure it wasn't the most pleasant or enjoyable ride to ride but I feel sad knowing that there's going to be an empty space in Ugland where it once stood. I hope this means that Ugland will get a major re-furbish though to fit in with Rita.
  4. Rush

    # of Arrow coasters you've been on

    ^They were built by Vekoma not Arrow. Wipeout is also a Vekoma whoever said it was arrow. My Arrow Count: Blackpool The Big One Irn Bru Steeplechase Chessington Vampire Disneyland Matterhorn Bobsleds That's it so 5 unless you count Steeplechase as two. (I didn't get on...
  5. Rush

    "SAW - The Ride" - Eurofighter for Thorpe Park

    ^Probably because of their remote locations, the fact that not a lot of information has been said about them and due to the fact we don't even know what the one in China is? You could always post it yourself if it's bothering you so badly. Yes a lot of fanboys are craving over this badly...
  6. Rush

    Heroes Season 3

    I've always meant to get around to watch Heroes but I missed the first two (1 1/2) series! Ah well I'll watch this series, I can't be bothered to watch the others so I guess I'll have to pick up the plot from there.
  7. Rush

    What is your favourite Disney Space Mountain?

    Space Mountain California without a doubt. It's smooth, amazingly fun and the effects on the ride are amazing. It's not the fastest ride but sitting in the front and travelling what feels like on nothing it really makes it seem a lot faster. It also has fab music. Florida/Paris's are...
  8. Rush

    'Heave Ho'-Flat for Alton Towers

    Well you're making yourself pretty popular at the moment with some people. :roll: Towards the comment of having a bad temper with kids under 16, you've only just really turned 16 and I'm actually only 5 months younger than you so I don't really see who the real kid is. Yet judging by those...
  9. Rush

    'Heave Ho'-Flat for Alton Towers

    Wow. For someone who's only been on the site for 9 days you're making a great first impression.
  10. Rush

    'Heave Ho'-Flat for Alton Towers

    ^ Actually at least two people over 18 have and there was really no need to call him a cheeky little prick. Anyway I really enjoy these types of rides, I don't know why but they are quite fun.
  11. Rush

    "SAW - The Ride" - Eurofighter for Thorpe Park

    Well this Dylan guy is doing a bloody good job on his own. :roll:
  12. Rush

    Best UK SLC

    Definitely JO. Although I have only ridden the other two, I found them both mediocre and rather dull. It's a shame JO is in a rather obscure park many miles from me. :(
  13. Rush

    Have you ever stayed up longer than 24 hours?

    Yes, twice I can remember: First time was to California. Up at 4am UK Time, flight left at 11am. Following a 10 hour flight (which I stayed awake for) we got there at 1pm California time. Then I got to sleep about one in the morning. So that was about 31 hours I think. Second time was...
  14. Rush

    "SAW - The Ride" - Eurofighter for Thorpe Park

    ^Actually Speed opened on the 13th first. :P
  15. Rush

    "SAW - The Ride" - Eurofighter for Thorpe Park

    ^Possibly. I agree with supersion that the advert was crap. Lazy and unimaginative but I suppose without stealing clips from other Eurofighters or using simulation you cannot do a lot with it. The music was quite cool though. Seeing that 13.08.08, I'm thinking that its opening date could...
  16. Rush

    Revels Eviction - Coffee out...but what has replaced it???

    CARAMEL! It's vile, tastes ****, horribly chewy and I just can't eat them. Coffee is soo nice. (I actually hate it in reality but the Revel is great.) Orange is good too!
  17. Rush

    Spiders... to kill or not to kill!

    I'd take it outside if it was a big spider or if my family asked me to remove a small one. I'd leave it alone if it was a small one.
  18. Rush

    Coasterforce Quiz!!!

    Second.... on Pokemon.... I only knew one. They were guesses okay. :lol:
  19. Rush

    The YouTube/Vine Thread [Post all vids in here!]

    Don't know if it's been posted before. Made me laugh quite a bit but did get quite annoying! :D You can also download the song. :P
  20. Rush

    should Rameses Revenge be removed for a s&s screaming sw

    No, Rameses should stay put. I personally am not a fan of the ride but I think its setting is really good. I agree with spicy in bringing Samurai and Rodeo back. (and making Samurai good for once.) I'd like for Rush to move to Chessie though, don't know where but I think maybe Rush would...