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  1. Rush

    Random news! - Maradona bitten in face by dog

    MSN Today has some great news stories today. and Ouch!
  2. Rush

    Do you mind line cutters?

    I hate them. Unfortunately, it's bound to occur in every park and even though the park sets strict regulations about them, it's easier said then done. I've met some staff who couldn't give a crap. I tend to try and stop people by standing in their way but it's very difficult to stop a...
  3. Rush

    Pilgrims Plunge

    POV (although lacking sound) Off-Ride (with sound) I think it looks really fun actually! I love the way it seems to skim across the water really quickly. I reckon that drop and the...
  4. Rush

    Rate the Person Above

    I have to say you've improved greatly from what I've seen in the No Limits forums. (Saying that I don't check it very often.) You just need to post a bit more in other forums. Oh and minus a mark for the harsh comment above, people need to start finding something new to make fun of seriously...
  5. Rush

    The SuperBowl could be in uk

    Exactly, the final was played at the Millennium Stadium from 2001-6 which as far as I know is in Wales. The point is that they HAVE moved it out of England before and so you should have said Britain instead. :wink: Therefore, I win. It annoys me when people get the idea that Wales is part of...
  6. Rush

    The SuperBowl could be in uk

  7. Rush

    South California

    Hmmm.... I thought Knott's and Ghostrider were awful. Xcelerator and the Screamin' Swing were really the only attractions there which I was really impressed with. I hope you liked California Screamin' and Space Mountain! Amazing coasters they were and I have to agree that the Disneyland Paris...
  8. Rush

    Best Kiddie Coaster(s)?

    You'd have to be a pretty tall four-year old to be allowed on it.
  9. Rush

    Who Farted? XVII

    Probably King Goon. Even if he wasn't in the picture.
  10. Rush

    Word association

  11. Rush

    Jazz (and film scores!) in the living room

    Very impressive! That takes a LOT of patience to put together, I find it takes me a half hour to do about 10 bars on Sibelius anyway and that's with only a few instruments and not a full orchestra! Did you compose it by ear? I'm not a fan of Jazz music but I've heard a couple of the pieces...
  12. Rush

    What coaster would you ride all day?

    Ollie you tease. :P Oh and Neal is correct, although the one I knew got sacked. :(
  13. Rush

    What coaster would you ride all day?

    I'd rather have a nice comfy seat with a non-restrictive lap bar than lying down all day strapped in a glorified straight jacket. So you state Rush being dull and nothing special yet you're not looking for excitement but comfort? I know where I'd rather be all day and yes even if I wasn't a...
  14. Rush

    What coaster would you ride all day?

    Rush... Although I need to accept it doesn't count in this poll. :( Probably California Screamin' for me. It's not my number one, but it has a good mix of elements. A rather mediocre launch but a great layout following. It contains just the one inversion so I wouldn't feel too ill. Long...
  15. Rush

    Jade Goody

    I can't wait to listen to 'The Ballard of Shilpa Poppadom.'
  16. Rush

    Top 10: 2009 Edition

    1. Xcelerator, Knott's Berry Farm 2. Oblivion, Alton Towers 3. Space Mountain, Disneyland California 4. The Incredible Hulk, Universal's Islands of Adventure 5. California Screamin', Disney's California Adventure 6. Nemesis Inferno, Thorpe Park 7. Wild Mouse, Pleasure Beach Blackpool 8...
  17. Rush

    Great Yarmouth - 17th -20th April

    If I went to the shower and found a clump of balloons in there, I'd scream and run away to a safe distance of 50 miles, stark naked. Looks like you had a fun weekend though, even though you stayed at Haven. :P
  18. Rush

    Celebrity Deaths 2009 Edition

    Jack Douglas died last year and I think Natasha Richardson has already been mentioned on a previous page.
  19. Rush

    Your #1 song? This. <3
  20. Rush

    GigaPan Pictures - IoA etc

    Hulk's blocking system has failed epically! :P