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  1. Rush

    Most Aesthetically Pleasing Coaster

    Are you kidding? It's got a butt ugly colour scheme which has been dumped in what was once a really nice area I'm sure.
  2. Rush

    First Thing

    Jekyll Point proven. :wink:
  3. Rush

    First Thing

    Oops. (Oh and Accident was for Steven btw. Oh and well done for breaking the rules of your own game! :P) Screamin' Swings rule... I bet you don't know what my number 1 coaster is anyway. :P
  4. Rush

    First Thing

  5. Rush

    First Thing

    Tractors! As you live in the South West.
  6. Rush

    Eurovision 2009

    The winning song was awful! Was really actually very dull and the guy certainly had a 'slap me' look. I hated it. Ours was really boring as well, which is probably why it did really well. I actually really liked Turkey's song. Really catchy and I had to laugh at the guy who didn't appear to...
  7. Rush

    First Thing

  8. Rush

    iSpeed, Intamin LSM coaster for Mirabilandia in 2009

    What an awesome noise that launch makes!
  9. Rush

    What coaster would you ride all day?

    Errm... I wasn't criticising their parenting. I just find it strange that they let you wonder round in an unfamiliar place at that age, especially at a Disney park which is usually far more crowded than other parks. I wouldn't fancy wondering round at that age. This is coming from someone who...
  10. Rush

    What coaster would you ride all day?

    Your parents let you ride it all day, on your own, when you were 9? :?
  11. Rush

    New Rides for Top Ten?

    Saw was a very surprising addition to my Top 10 and now that it's apparently had its trim removed it could reach higher. Or descend lower. Apollo's Chariot, Alpengeist and Griffon will have to be very disappointing to not reach my Top 10. (Although saying that, Nemesis managed it.) If I...
  12. Rush

    RCDB Random Count

    I got zero. What fun.
  13. Rush

    Ever get a Dominos again?

    Even so, if I see them spitting or sneezing in the food I'm going to complain and won't pay for it. It's not like there's a back kitchen or anything, you can easily see everything.
  14. Rush

    Ever get a Dominos again?

    Errm.. yes I will be getting Dominoes again, this doesn't bother me in the slightest. Our local dominoes has a window where you can see the pizzas being made, so I honestly doubt they'd attempt to do what is seen in those videos when there's customers watching. The only thing stopping me...
  15. Rush

    Rate the joke above

    It was okay but didn't make me laugh. 4/10. What's the difference between Michael Jackson and Acne? Acne will wait til you're 13 to come all over your face.
  16. Rush

    Insult the person above

    Saw broke, and so did your heart.
  17. Rush

    Insult the person above

    Any insult given to you would be a understatement.
  18. Rush

    Rate the Sig and Avatar - II

    Ava- Meh 7/10. Sig - Yay, guitars! 9/10. Quote: Not the best of UC's.
  19. Rush

    Insult the person above

    Lacks imagination and has the inability to insult the person above in a completely never seen before way.
  20. Rush

    Fun games/pranks to do in parks

    'Count the ethnic majority.' HOURS of fun guaranteed. So is 'try and squirt the turban off' on rides with water guns.