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  1. Rush

    You're Fired! - Official Apprentice Topic

    Actually, what was good was how they experimented with the original 'for him' idea and she made the decision that was not a good idea. She thought of the Cocoa Electric brand name and went on to develop it. She made the decision to go with cheap (but disgusting flavours) and her team helped with...
  2. Rush

    You're Fired! - Official Apprentice Topic

    I actually disagree with you and thought Yasmina did deserve to win. Kate didn't really do anything until she won that advertising task and then she completely messed it up for herself in the advertising task. To me, she only stood out because she was the prettiest one in there. I mean, look...
  3. Rush

    Rate the Sig and Avatar - II

    I hate animated sets and the fact it's out of time decreases it further. 4/10 overall. (It was out of time for me.)
  4. Rush

    First Thing

  5. Rush

    Rate the joke above

    0/10. It's still not that funny! :P Why do Mexico do so bad in the Olympics? Because the ones who can run, jump and swim are in America.
  6. Rush

    Thorpe 4th June

    Then stop wasting your time on Stealth! :P
  7. Rush

    Thorpe 4th June

    You know if you want to hit 40 rides you should just go round the fish 40 times as it will never have a queue. :P
  8. Rush

    First Thing

    The Xcelerator Army. <3
  9. Rush

    The big one. Furie's trip with ECG across the East Coast!

    Great reports furie and Jerry! I'm sorry you had to go on one of those awful wheels. I agree with you that a ride on one of those things is one of the most terrifying experiences ever! :lol: Can't wait to read more of your reports, especially from New York and Busch Gardens seeing as I'll...
  10. Rush

    "Mumbo Jumbo" - S&S El Loco for Flamingo Land

    I'm going to shut up about it once I let you know that I am in no way a fanboy of Thorpe nor Saw, just another ride there. You're 'blatez' jumping to conclusions just because I go there a lot and because I'm sticking up for the place. Please. Getting that out the way, I'm still not a fan of...
  11. Rush

    Films that would make good rides

    I actually considered this a concept when I was thinking something imaginative for a plan for an RCT3 park. I think maybe a new type of flat ride would work or some sort of indoor attraction to get the better feel of being out in the ocean. Of course it would only work spectacularly well with...
  12. Rush

    First Thing

    Fahrenh. :P
  13. Rush

    BGT: Flawless vs Diversity

    As much as this is a valid poll, can we PLEASE keep it in the one Britain's Got Talent stuff. Please, it's bad enough having one topic but it is everywhere, MSN, Facebook, MySpaz, YouTube. I'm personally sick of it and I'd like to think I'm not the only one. If there was a 'Susan Boyle for...
  14. Rush

    Rate the Person Above

    I'd give you 4/10 because you gave me 4/10... but then I saw your sig and laughed because of Salad Fingers. Now you get 8/10. =D
  15. Rush

    Favourite ride in the uk

    In the UK, Tom! :P
  16. Rush

    Rate the Person Above

    3/10 because that honestly wasn't necessary and I don't really like you anyway.
  17. Rush

    What rides do you love but they only have it at a few parks?

    Are you actually having a laugh? I can't think of many major parks in the UK which don't have a swinging ship except Blackpool and Legoland. Even that Robin Hill park on the Isle of Wight has one. Probably one of the most common rides in existance!
  18. Rush

    Favourite ride in the uk

    Oblivion for the sheer adrenaline of the drop and the atmosphere closely followed by Rush because it's darn awesome. :P
  19. Rush

    "Mumbo Jumbo" - S&S El Loco for Flamingo Land

    I'm far from a Saw fanboy Pierre and the reason I had a go at Jools was because of what he said about Thorpe not making an effort which as I said they did with the theme and experience which is what you agree with. I then said that he shouldn't have a right to slate the ride when he hasn't been...
  20. Rush

    Your opinion is wrong!

    It can depend on a lot of things to be honest. I reckon the number of (decent) coasters you've ridden is a major factor as someone who's ridden a small number of coasters will probably find that one ride amazing whereas one who has ridden many, will find it weaker to others they have ridden...