Search results

  1. Rush

    Year of birth?

    December 18, 1992. So 1990 and above. That was fun.
  2. Rush

    Are swans sinister?

    I don't find Swans that sinister. Squirrels on the other hand....
  3. Rush

    What got you interested in...

    Oblivion opened in 1998. :wink: I used to be pretty scared of coasters until I think it was around 2003-4 when I braved Vampire at Chessie. I also got RCT2 and I had fun on that. It wasn't until I found CoasterForce where I discovered lots of other rollercoasters I really found out how much I...
  4. Rush

    Project Adelaide - You Tease You...

    Aha! A reverser coaster and a woodie! :wink: Not too much to comment on, but I personally love 'Adventure' themed areas and judging by your other work, I'm expecting a lot out of this. From the teasers though it looks great as always. When's the full update? :P
  5. Rush

    Have you ever protested?

    At a first glance, I thought the topic title said 'Have you ever prostituted?' :oops: No, I've never had a reason to protest but I will protest if I feel strongly against something if it comes up in the future.
  6. Rush

    Jade Goody

    ^Well sorry, but I was only 4 when she died and the only way I remember her was from clips on the TV. :roll:
  7. Rush

    All American Flyer (my latest Project)

    The area looks very nice and professionally made. The setting of it is very beautiful too against the mountain background. Avoid using the same fencing if possible and I think you need some bushes and flowers to make the undergrowth less bare. Use a variety of trees as well because I can only...
  8. Rush

    What is your favourite Disney Space Mountain?

    ^Which out of those two do you prefer? I'm telling those who haven't ridden California's version not to judge it from POV's or because of the ride type. Being on Paris and California's I can safely say I would choose to ride California's in less than a second.
  9. Rush

    Jade Goody

    Don't forget mrclam, Diana did an large amount of charity work and visits as well, not to mention she was royal and her death was sudden. It's not like Jade Goody's when we've known for months. My great-aunt died of bowel cancer last Friday. She had it for three years and in that time she...
  10. Rush

    What Kind of Pokémon are you?

    I got a Pokemon I didn't liked so I immediately closed the website and cried into my pillow.
  11. Rush

    You're Fired! - Official Apprentice Topic

    Really? I thought he was one of the better ones, even if you couldn't understand half the things he said. Is it just me, or do they all seem like last year's candidates? Debra and Claire. Anita and that woman who got fired in the laundry task. Phillip and Lee. I don't know but I have...
  12. Rush

    Spiders... to kill or not to kill!

    Necropost! I had a conflict with a 'moderately large' spider last night. As I was getting into bed I noticed it on the wall so I went to pick it up as I normally do and felt a small prick in my index finger which I think was the spider retaliating. As a result the spider scuttles down the...
  13. Rush

    Lakeside Gardens Park

    Don't forget to straighten that Intamin Mega's brake run. I think I forgot to mention that. :P
  14. Rush

    Jade Goody

    Don't you mean the news will be saying the Queen will be attending and then it turning out to be an April Fools joke. :wink:
  15. Rush

    Himley Hall Adventure Park - !PICTURE UPDATE!

    I agree. Quake looks much better and the interaction with the kiddie coaster works better also. The rapids, well they seem to be having a bit of an identity crisis as well. (I like to re-use my phrases. :wink:) What you have to remember is that you need to make sure that whatever theming the...
  16. Rush

    Lakeside Gardens Park

    I'm impressed. I think the idea is great and you've pulled it off well. My only complaint is that the bottom part is a block. Try and add some extensions to it and try mixing different scenery sets to make it less blocky. I really like the kiddie coaster as well. Good effort there. You...
  17. Rush

    Project Adelaide - You Tease You...

    I'm very impressed. Your use of Custom Scenery is very good and I particularly love all the inside detail and effort you've put into it. I know it's a lot of effort but I agree with Erol about the castle needing windows or something else to make the walls less bland. I'm slow but I love...
  18. Rush

    Lakeside Gardens Park

    It's a Screamin' Swing.... and a blatant rip-off of one I made. :P
  19. Rush

    The translate game

    'My spoon is too big.' Goes to: 'This is a very large spoon.'
  20. Rush

    Lakeside Gardens Park

    Evacuation reasons I presume, it's easier to build a straight catwalk then a bendy one and it's probably safer. Oh and noo.... that was probably the best ride there. (Although I thought it might be going seeing as there is that castle there which doesn't appear to be doing anything.) I...