Search results

  1. Hixee

    League of Goons 2024: Results!

    Q1 results Apologies for the slight delay in getting this one up - don't have ready access to my desktop with all the scripts on it to generate the maps and whatnot at the moment. Anyway, it's time to check in with the Q1 results! We've had 20 members sign up so far. Of those 20 members, 17 of...
  2. Hixee

    League of Goons 2024: Q&A

    Urrrrgggggggg... the lines blur ever more. Yes the visit can count, but they should be recorded under "other attractions". Can't be arsed working out a system to differentiate them at the moment. Yeah, this seemed like an easy one. ;)
  3. Hixee

    Thorpe Park | Hyperia | Mack Hyper Coaster | 2024

    What an offride onride spectacle thing that'll be.
  4. Hixee

    New attractions at Paultons Park

    I decided to merge the two Paultons threads - so there may now be some duplication of stuff. Feels cleaner this way moving forwards though.
  5. Hixee

    Thorpe Park | Hyperia | Mack Hyper Coaster | 2024

    *I hope the CF contingent isn't counted in that...* 😬
  6. Hixee

    League of Goons 2024: Q&A

    It's a grey area - I don't allow points for things like the Dungeons or Cadbury World, but I do allow them for all sorts of funfair things. I'm not very consistent really... :D It's something I tend to look at one-by-one, and I rarely reject one to be quite honest. On this occasion it is fine...
  7. Hixee

    T3 is done for at Kentucky Kingdom

    It would be a tricky marketing task - big red inverted coaster - after... you know...
  8. Hixee

    Indiana Beach I All American Triple Loop | Quimera (Dreier Looper) relocation | 2024

    Jesus Christ. I've never seen anything like that before. I'd be amazed if OSHA or whatever they are in America (would be HSE here in the UK) aren't stopping operations now. Ride should be condemned.
  9. Hixee

    4 days in Belgium - Day 4: No pigeons here

    I would! :D You've got a high enough count now where I reckon you could switch into my sorta 'ranking' logic: Q1. Is it Top 20 material? Y - Think about it for a little while, rank it, stop. N - Go to Q2. Q2. Is it in any way notable or warrant of comparison to another coaster? Y - Have a...
  10. Hixee

    A Smash and Grab in Madrid

    Blimey! What an ordeal! Well done in being quite methodical and getting it all sorted out, that must have been a pretty stressful time!
  11. Hixee

    Six Flags Qiddiya| Saudi Arabia | Theme Park

    It was the bit in bold I was referring to. Abysmal, really. Second only, in my mind at the moment, to SFX's performance.
  12. Hixee

    4 days in Belgium - Day 4: No pigeons here

    I sincerely hope they gave you some sort of compensation for that bag ****ery! :D And yes, never do any work for them - amazed you went to Heathrow to pick it up! Though maybe safer given their track record! Excellent trip report and well done on another successful solo trip. :)
  13. Hixee

    Six Flags Qiddiya| Saudi Arabia | Theme Park

    Oh you've been lucky. It's one of these - they are, by most accounts, not very good.
  14. Hixee

    The Staff v. User counting game!

  15. Hixee

    Six Flags Qiddiya| Saudi Arabia | Theme Park

    Oh for ****'s sake.
  16. Hixee

    Coaster lineup: IoA or BGT?

    Park - IoA Coasters - BGT Even on quality vs quantity it's not that far separated I think. Sure, Hagrid and VC are top tier, but Iron Gwazi supported by the best invert and sit-down B&M have ever made isn't a bad combo.
  17. Hixee

    Energylandia | Choco Chip Creek | Vekoma Minetrain | 2024

    And it's not even finished... 🤣
  18. Hixee

    Energylandia | Choco Chip Creek | Vekoma Minetrain | 2024

    Lolllll, that looks ****e! :D What a let down after all this time. Not that it'd have been enough to get me back to the park regardless, mind...