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  1. Hixee

    Emerald Park News/Discussion

    🎶 Just another pointless record 🎶
  2. Hixee

    LoG 2024: June Submissions

    Please use this topic to submit your points of the month of June. This topic will be closed on the 1st August 2024. Please use the template provided below. Totals will be added at the end of each post by the team. If you have not already registered, please do so in the League of Goons 2024...
  3. Hixee

    LoG 2024: April Submissions

    This topic is now closed and no more points can be submitted for the month of April.
  4. Hixee

    Small News From The Theme Park Industry

    Nothing "alleged" about it. They made the announcement over the PA system. And it was more than once, too. At the time the staff said they had means of detection on the site, but didn't have any sort of jamming capability. Maybe this new arrangement is to further expand their protection.
  5. Hixee

    Thorpe Park | Hyperia | Mack Hyper Coaster | 2024

    I'll save everyone the watch - it says nothing about the reason for the shutdown. It's a two and a half minute version of the Tweets. :D
  6. Hixee

    Your B&M Count

    Update since January 2022: OzIris, Parc Astérix Mandrill Mayhem, Chessington World of Adventures Hair Raiser, Ocean Park Dragon's Run, Sun World Ha Long - Dragon Park That's up to 78 total, 9.0% of my count.
  7. Hixee

    Walibi Rhone-Alpes | Mahuka | Intamin Hot Racer | 2024

    Yeah, I'd clocked this while sorting out the various vignettes for the latter bit of the trip. I was debating about taking the pass over Claviere - the scenic route, as it were - but not decided for sure yet.
  8. Hixee

    Walibi Rhone-Alpes | Mahuka | Intamin Hot Racer | 2024

    That's easy then. :) Was a bit of a long shot anyway squeezing it in - I will enjoy the drive to Italy. ;)
  9. Hixee

    Walibi Rhone-Alpes | Mahuka | Intamin Hot Racer | 2024

    Gah - I'll be driving past 3rd/4th on the way to Italy. I'll probably go anyway for the rest of the creds and it'll be ages until I'm back, but annoying to miss this by a few weeks...
  10. Hixee

    Walibi Rhone-Alpes | Mahuka | Intamin Hot Racer | 2024

    What do we reckon they'll have this ready in a week? I'll be driving right past...
  11. Hixee

    Thorpe Park | Hyperia | Mack Hyper Coaster | 2024

    Well put. After a day or so to reflect, this is exactly my sentiment too. Great review Nicky - well put.
  12. Hixee

    Thorpe Park | Hyperia | Mack Hyper Coaster | 2024

    Oooof. That's brutal. To be fair, they probably need the rest of the morning to bring in the riot police.
  13. Hixee

    Thorpe Park | Hyperia | Mack Hyper Coaster | 2024

    Some photos from the press event last night. Nothing particularly new, and shots that others will no doubt have much better versions of, but I thought I'd share nonetheless. I'd be interested to know your favourites! And finally, and ORP featuring @Ian, @Chris Brown...
  14. Hixee

    Thorpe Park | Hyperia | Mack Hyper Coaster | 2024

    I'll echo much of what @JoshC., @Ian and @Chris Brown have said above really. Hyperia is far from perfect (the area, paintjob and station leave a lot to be desired), but as a piece of coaster hardware it is excellent. It's the best coaster in the UK for me (albeit not done Reborn yet). It's...
  15. Hixee

    LoG 2024: May Submissions

    Date: 23/05/2024 Park: Thorpe Park Roller Coasters: 3 Front Row/Back Row/Solo/New-to-Me: 2 Water/Dark/Flat/Other Attractions: 0 Shows: 0 New-for-2024: 1 ORP/ORV/Character/Proof of Solo Ride: 1 CF-Live: N Trip Report: N Bonus Coasters: None Points added = 152
  16. Hixee

    Thorpe Park | Hyperia | Mack Hyper Coaster | 2024

    Well you managed that pretty well. ;)
  17. Hixee

    Thorpe Park | Hyperia | Mack Hyper Coaster | 2024

    It's now been managing just about one train between shutdowns. This could be a challenge if it keeps this up tomorrow.
  18. Hixee

    Thorpe Park | Hyperia | Mack Hyper Coaster | 2024

    Throughput was decent with two trains. Its having tech issues with one train currently, so throughput is currently terrible. Theory among goons here is that they took the second train off 'cos the queue had gone down a lot as everyone went to get food. Theory among goons, I must stress.
  19. Hixee

    Thorpe Park | Hyperia | Mack Hyper Coaster | 2024

    They have now taken one train off for some inexplicable reason. Stupid. :D
  20. Hixee

    Thorpe Park | Hyperia | Mack Hyper Coaster | 2024

    So I will say - it's really very very good. I'll write a bit more tomorrow, but it's probably the best ride in the UK, second maybe only to Nemesis (though I have not done Reborn yet). We rode in the back row and it was surprisingly ferocious!