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What do we reckon they'll have this ready in a week? I'll be driving right past...
Park website says just 'June'. Captain Coaster have specified the 15th June, but don't know the source.
All I got.
Gah - I'll be driving past 3rd/4th on the way to Italy. I'll probably go anyway for the rest of the creds and it'll be ages until I'm back, but annoying to miss this by a few weeks...
Gah - I'll be driving past 3rd/4th on the way to Italy. I'll probably go anyway for the rest of the creds and it'll be ages until I'm back, but annoying to miss this by a few weeks...
They aren't open Mondays or Tuesdays in June, 3rd n 4th included.
Be aware of the tunnel towards Turin - it cost us 48€ in 2021 for a one way drive.
Yeah, I'd clocked this while sorting out the various vignettes for the latter bit of the trip. I was debating about taking the pass over Claviere - the scenic route, as it were - but not decided for sure yet.
Be aware of the tunnel towards Turin - it cost us 48€ in 2021 for a one way drive.
...pay cash to use a road? My spoiled ass ought to never leave Finland cause I could not stand having to pay for highways/ferries/bridges/tunnels.
...pay cash to use a road? My spoiled ass ought to never leave Finland cause I could not stand having to pay for highways/ferries/bridges/tunnels.
You know that if you're not directly paying for a road you're still doing so through taxes, right? Nothing is free and especially not if it's run by the government.
You know that if you're not directly paying for a road you're still doing so through taxes, right? Nothing is free and especially not if it's run by the government.
Off topic but ofc I know, but it's not like taxes don't exist in other European countries + paying cash will always feel worse.
Kinda wish they didn't skimp on the vegetation around the coaster track given it's supposed to have a tropical theme. Kondaa looks similarly barren in places.

Ride itself looks great tho. The double-down before the corkscrew looks legit.
Yeahhhhh that looks like its flying. I hope thats the actual speed...

But agreed about the vegetation. It's also not the largest ride so it wouldn't be as difficult to flesh out with vegetation as something like Kondaa would be. Also, imagine diving round that low to the ground amongst loads of trees and bushes... it would make it feel even faster!