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Screaming Coasters

Strata Poster
Xpress said:
Thank you. But I'm not willing to spend 650 bucks on some photo editing program. Unless it's a cheaper version of 3Ds MAX.

Heck, I'm not rich, in fact, I hardley have any money and yet i still buy music software in excess of £2000. Go spend £600 quid, it's not much if you really want it! Besides, you can make top class and expensive looking images. ooooh, you can really show how rich you are by putting gold in your images!


Strata Poster
Yeah, like this:


New layout in progress.


Giga Poster
When yoou use black, try not to use mega black-black.

Try slllighttly lightening it (so its a very very very dark grey). It'll still be black, but it'll look alot more realistic and light with reflect of it properly.


Giga Poster
You should also make the whole of the track the same colour.

No Intamin has track with different coloured cross ties.


Strata Poster
Why? I like it that way. And I'm not going by what the majority of you say I should color it. I'm going by what I like.


Giga Poster
Why? WHY!?

Because its wrong thats why! Are you honestly retarded or something?? There is a reason we say these things! If you don't want your coasters slated like hell such as your past ones were then you should LISTEN!!!

So yeah, either buck up your ideas and listen to our advice or stop posting in this topic. These people know what they are going on about! They give you advice to try and help your coasters look slightly less like 5 minute attempt at a coaster by a 5 year old, cause tbh thats what your ride looks like at the minute.


Strata Poster
Fine, if you guys want it a different color, then here:

Better? I had to make some interesting supports, as you can see there, to make them clear the track below.


Staff member
Social Media Team
^Yeah, it's not bad. I still cannot get the hang of making my own.
Is the logo on the front the only logo (is there one on the back)?


Staff member
Social Media Team
^Hard to get any real sense of the ride, but looks good so far!?!

I'm interseted to see more, I've never got the hang of building inverts...


Strata Poster
Hixee said:
^Yeah, it's not bad. I still cannot get the hang of making my own.
Is the logo on the front the only logo (is there one on the back)?

No, there isn't one on the back of the train, although I'm going to putlogos on the side of the texture, the card symbols.

Umm, looks good, Insane? Can't tell really.


Strata Poster
Yes. Looks even more exciting. Hope it isn't like your other ride, that had high lats, and wasn't colored as your pictures epicted it.

Mit deLuxe

Hyper Poster
Eh!? It was coloured green and black....just like the pictures pictured it! Plus so what if the colour had changed?
And please remember my coaster are HAND built I do NOT use ANY tools!


Giga Poster
looking good rhys, The track colour kinda looks custard coloured.

Your 'previews' kinda creep me out though.. feel it running through me? :S


Strata Poster
Well I have 2 project underway

Trancemission my second of 4 themed rides form Rez

and rough Rider a GCI woodie for a WWS comp...

This is trancemission and if you cna't guess the ride type than your a idiot (hint: look at the transitions)

The ride will be later enclosed and themed, with the overbank over the station popping out of the building.

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