Wow! There's some great projects out there! I think its good Jake is starting with the 3ds, because, when your dealing with something as complicated as an airplane, the 3ds becomes harder than the track itself!
Ross...excellent form! That turn looks beautiful! . . .I just hope that the track continues, because. . .well, as is, it looks like the train will fly off of the track.

Insane, your track looks great aswell. Looks like your combining the size of something like the Raptor, with the environment of something like Black Mamba, so it should be interesting to see how that turns out!
And Andre, your track is looking like yet another high quality creation! I cannot wait!

However, as with everyone else, I think your footpaths could use some work. :lol: They are a bit large, and the mulitcolored pieces look tacky. I can't think of an easy solution, but my ideas would be to:
1) Make the pathway less wide. Or perhaps, split them up even more. For example, that massive pathway inbetween the loop and that overbank--perhaps you could split it up into about 3, smaller pathways, and plant trees, or add water in the areas around the pathways.
2) Add planters or like, water fountains in the larger areas.
3) If your comfortable with your 3ds'ing, add a flat ride.
Oh, I almost forgot! I finished the layout to my ride. It's very short, and I wouldn't personally wait more than 20 minutes for it! :lol: Buuuuut, I think its a great chance for me to practice my 3ds, as that seems to be the new craze!
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It may be small in lenght (about 1750 ft long), but its also small in footprint, which makes this baby fun and intense. Even though there are a few "elements", they dont feel like elements because they come and go so quickly--as if they are seamlessly integrated into the exisiting layout.