I'm happy to say, that I have actually been able to progress a bit farther. So much so, that I feel confident giving you guys a bit of info on the ride. Here's the layout,
so far ... I wouldn't be surpised if this ended up not even being 1/2 of the way done!

Ok, so here's pretty much the layout, so far. The 3ds I started to do for fun, but I really like, so its gonna stay. As you can see, the 3ds isn't textured yet--I do that last, to ensure that I remain focused on "what's important"....lol...I easily get distracted.
Here's a shot from inside of the station. I anticipate on having two stations--a load and unload station, for higher capacity. This is the load station. Since the other side of the station will
not be used (due to the fact that people unload in another station), I thought it would be fun to run the track underground, and have the lift come up, inside of the station...then, all of the awaiting riders would get to see a new train-load of passengers heading towards a similar fate! It is behind "soundproof glass" to ensure no sound lift sounds get through--note: this is pretty much a fantasy coaster. In reality, they would have too much of an issue with people flipping the station off! :lol: But as for this virtual world, I thought it would be fun to have a lift-station-"fly-by".
Lol...this pic doesn't really show you much. It only shows you two things. One, it demonstrates that the track will be going underneath the (soon to be, 3ds) ground. It also shows the safety station, which is a realistic element added, even though it will not be used when the track is released.
On Space Mountain, at Disneyland, you load into the vehicle in the station, and then progress forward, without having a safety check! You then move into a track segment in front of the station, and
another op checks your safety restraint. This is for maximum efficiency, as you are essentially "purposfully stacking" the ride, and then checking the restraints while waiting for the block to clear. So in reality, this would allow my ride to run 4 trains, when it is designed for 3. However, for the sake of "not having ride ops in NL", this safety-station will be used for show-only, and the ride will run only 3 trains.
Well, I hope you like the little details I'm thinking of, that are distracting me from actually making the layout! :lol: