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"SAW - The Ride" - Eurofighter for Thorpe Park

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Mountain monkey
Staff member
I wonder how this topic would have been if they were building a bigger coaster... Like a bigger version of Maverick, a Dive Machine or an Intamin pre-fab...
Well, guess Alton's 2010/11/12 thread will be even bigger than this.

Anyways, it looks good! Wonder how many people there will be on here who can compare this to Mystery Mine. Anyone other than Ian?
Well, I predict a lot of noobish topics popping up next spring ([Poll ]IS DYLAN THE BEST COASTER AT THORPE? YES OR NO?), but hey, it's nice to see some fresh enthusiasm.

And by the way Ian, do a CP6 and get us quoted on a billboard when it opens.


CF Legend
Pokemaniac said:
And by the way Ian, do a CP6 and get us quoted on a billboard when it opens.
Yes, I'm sure people would love to read,
"This ride that doesn't break any records is not as good as Mystery Mine" :lol:


Strata Poster
something else we overheard whilst there yesterday... 2 members of staff talking about the ride and saying how "they're spending half the money for it on the theming". I know that's hardly the most reliable source ever... but is still enough to give me hope that we might actually see something that looks close to the original plans. *crosses fingers*


Giga Poster
The one problem I can forsee with theming it well would be that if any effects or the like broke, it would be dissapointing because it may not give you the true experience, and that if something that had to be fixed broke, then knowing Thorpe it would take them ages.


Giga Poster
^This is Merlin now. We shouldn't see any broken animatronics and effects hopefully. We'll see soon enough :)


Giga Poster
Just because it's Merlin does not mean it will work properly. Merlin fund it and decide other stuff, but it's down to Thorpe and the people that run it and work there to maintain it, and keep it working properly.


Giga Poster
I'm amazed how much progress has happened in 2 days.

I personally think the black PAINT makes it look quite boring, BUT I wouldn't like it any other colour, except maybe brown, but it might make it look pooey :lol:

Uncle Arly

Strata Poster
I don't see what's wrong with the colour scheme. Okay it's not the boldest ever, but that's the point.

Dark scheme, for dark theme. It works. And, we don't know what the cars are like yet.


Giga Poster
That's something I had in the back of my head screaming, but I thought I would be complained at :lol:


Personally i like the colour scheme. Sure its abit dull, but it sticks out as been sort of almost 'evil' like, and mencing.

The lifthill actually looks pritty dominating over the surrounding area.


CF Legend
The lifthill actually looks pritty dominating over the surrounding area.
I really does.

I went yesterday and was actually suprised how large it seems. Maybe that's because it's towering behind Samurai, but despite how closed off the area is it already feels a part of it? It's hard to explain.

I didn't realise how dark the colour scheme was. Although, if a lot of that first section is going to be covered anyway...? I suppose when I imagined it being painted rusty I was forgetting that it is not 1994.


Giga Poster
Have they made a decision on whether they're gonna retheme samurai, or will it just stay the same? Because iot doesn't really fit in atm, so now would be a good time to do it.


Giga Poster
^ Agreed

And I really hope they don't move it to the Rush, Vortex, Quantum, Zodiac area! I think Lost City has way to many flats, has the most in the park, and considering Canada Creek has Slammer, Logger's Leap, Rocky Express and Dylan, and Samurai is sitting right in the middle of it all, I really do hope they retheme it!

Plus it is in a nice spot :)


Mega Poster
I wonder what theme tune it will have?

Suspense and tension like Colossus or just intense and heart pounding like Samurai?
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