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"SAW - The Ride" - Eurofighter for Thorpe Park

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^Depends what sort of horror they go for in the theming. If you're being chased by a murderer then heart pounding, but if its more eerie (like Hex at Alton), then more tense.
I hear Samurai may be sent off to Mondial to do some normal maintenance work on it this year...

So that would mean perfect opportuinity to re-paint and re-theme it...
^I take it that it would go back tot he same place it is now after maintenance, or have they got space somwhere else on this new island?
You know I have a feeling one of the best parts of this coaster is going to be that huge drop out of the station which already seems to have been forgotten about. That drop is three stories high, something people really wont be expecting.
^ Looks about 2 stories to me... Dunno, It's a lot taller than it looks though. I think it's higher than Inferno's station drop...?

Nemesis Inferno said:
I hear Samurai may be sent off to Mondial to do some normal maintenance work on it this year...

So that would mean perfect opportuinity to re-paint and re-theme it...
Sent off?


A retheme of Samurai would be nice - because it's general appearance fits in with the sawmill thing nicely. If it got a new name and was painted browns and golds, wow. With Dylan dancing behind it as a backdrop it would be splendid.

No chance of Samurai getting a retheme, they didn't even bother rethemeing Cyclone when they bought it from Drayton.

Plus a Samurai as some sort of cutting tool would be weird, so they would have to change the name.

Anyways I am loving how this thing looks, it does look pretty damn good!

Looks much better than Speed, and I loved Rage so this should be quite immense, that drop looks superb.
Swat said:
The drop out of the stations 3 storys high?

The drop start's off 2 stories high and into a pit which itself is around another story deep, it's a big old hole when you see it in person. Look back at the photo's, it's easily 3 stories.

Any updates?
spicy said:
No chance of Samurai getting a retheme, they didn't even bother rethemeing Cyclone when they bought it from Drayton.

Again, Merlin now, not Tussauds... Hopefully the laziness is going out the window...

spicy said:
Plus a Samurai as some sort of cutting tool would be weird, so they would have to change the name.

Well obviously :roll: I don't think Merlin are THAT stupid... Though what about Stealth as a 200ft tall coaster which is very loud on the launch and brakes?

Maybe sent off wasn't the best term of words Joey, but as I said I believe it's for general maintanence more than anything...

But, fingers crossed...
Wow, more people are concerned about Samurai then Dylan at the moment, haha :lol:

Dylan is looking fab, the Immelman, main drop and drop from the station look fab, what part of the ride are they doing next? As they haven't been doing it in order...

And my opinion on the Samurai front is they will probably keep the colour and change the name or change the colour and keep the name, I highly doubt they would do both, mind you, looking what they did to Marauders Mayhem at Alton, you can never be sure. I think it IS likely they will paint it as they did when Samurai came from Chessington.

3 Stories easily, look at the height in comparison to that man then include the size of the hole! It's going to surprise a lot of people when they hit that thing in the pitch black.
I hope that it will stop a bit before the drop to let the car in front pass the next block, then the wheels will propel the car forward so a bit of airtime is caused.

Also I was thinking: DANGEROUS


Anyway, I wonder if they will have a boarding system like Oblivion (when there are two cars loading at the same time), like AIR (split) or like a spinning coaster where they just keep loading the empty cars in the station.
Jewls1993 said:
Anyway, I wonder if they will have a boarding system like Oblivion (when there are two cars loading at the same time), like AIR (split) or like a spinning coaster where they just keep loading the empty cars in the station.

This is my take on it and from what I saw on Saturday.

On Saturday while gazing at it, Dave spotted a number of air gates (Can't remember how many were there, but it was more than 2) lying just behind a lorry. So my guess is going to be that it is going to load in Oblivion style with the 2 trains loading at once. Looking at the length of the station, this seems possible.

Only time will tell, but I can personally see Oblivion style.
^ If they haven't changed from the public plans, you should get 6 cars in the station area. 2 cars Load. 4 cars in the offload or waiting to offload area.
Hmm... Something tells me this ride will be popular, and the reviews will end up being quite good because of the first drop, BUT I see a problem, doesn't it break before the barrel roll?
^OMG! Really?! I dunno, maybe it'll do what other MCBRs do and not slow it down so that it's noticeable, like on Fury and Spinball? Do you not think they planned it out so the roll is still taken at some speed, since most if not all brakes are computer controlled?

Stupid statement...
The slower the better anyway, so...?

I want it to be as much like Hydra's and as little like Colossus' as possible. Although, the floor won't aid it here... eh. Slow FTW!
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