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how was kick ass superior to Scott pilgrim? They're 2 different things. Both Comic book movies yes, but different sub genre's.
They were both massively stylised adaptions of not all together that well known comic books which used geek references for 99% of their comedy, story and characters...

They're well comparable. Although only one was good ¬_¬
Ben said:
Yeah, especially when it's Wright on his own...



Because Scott Pilgrim gets so stuck down in the plot over a girl who in a sense is a bit of a twat. The film slows down 2/3 into the film and goes a bit flat.

Where as Kick-Ass gets the blend of action-romance-comedy just right.

OH and I've watched some films recently...

Tron: Legacy

Well it was a really bad script in parts, some superb visuals, I mean wow. Brilliant soundtrack, really thumped home the action sequences (reminded me of The Dark Knight). But again the script and plot makes the film suffer a bit, which is a shame as it had so much potential to be great!
Easily re-watch or listen to the soundtrack.

Nic said:

David Schwimmer in it, you needn't look any further to know it's pants.

Nic said:
Bill Nighy in a Richard Curtis film; could only be made worse by the inclusion of Hugh Grant or Julia Roberts (or worse, both of them in the same film, now THAT would really suck).

I watched Inception again on Saturday night. My view hasn't changed at all from the cinema.

It's a all shiny polish and superb (mis?)direction to fool you into the thinking that it's a deep and complicated story that's actually good.

It isn't, really, it isn't. It's a very simply film with a handful of superb set pieces that just make you think it's good. It's slow paced for the most part and it falls apart as soon as you start to actually pick at it. It withers under the tiniest scrutiny.

Don't get me wrong, Nolan is very clever. It's hard to realise you're being taken for a ride, and he simply ignores the bits that could do with being explained.

I watched eXistenZ with Minor_Furie about a month ago, and he finished watching it and said "that was just like Inception, only better". I didn't believe him at the time (though I did still enjoy eXistenZ), but having had a second sit through of Inception, he was right.

The feeling of being lost in the dream within a dream portrayed in eXistenZ was much stronger and the story was much more complex. It wasn't as bedazzling, but it felt like a much more solid and fulfilling experience at the end. Inception just left me feeling a bit bored. The Arctic section at the end, it was dreadful.

I could say a lot more, but I've probably already upset too many people ;)

At least it wasn't as bad as The Prestige :p

Also watched V for Vendetta with madame_f and Minor_f. Neither had seen it, so I recorded it for them. I find the film is superb at the start. It's very sharp, tight, compelling and witty. Then it gets a bit lost and meanders for a while before finding its footing again and getting on with it. It always feels a bit false, which is a shame, something you notice more in the slower parts - you know it's in a film studio somewhere. Overall though, it's a simple, satisfying film in the end - plus it has John Hurt, how could it go wrong? :lol:
Never Back Down

Never saw it.. looked crap.. but it twas actually quite nice.. a good story.

Really want to see Submarine, mostly because the soundtrack by Alex Turner is fantastic. Not sure if it's on near me though.
^I've been having this problem. It seems to be on in about 20 cinemas in the country, which is useless. I wanted to go and see it for my birthday, but I might have to wait.
^If you're stuck trying to find it, findanyfilm.com might be able to help.

Went to see The Eagle this evening.

I wasn't expecting much from it but I enjoyed it, just an interesting tale. It's all rather predictable but it's told very well and Channing Tatum once again didn't annoy me, that's two films now where he has managed that. Oh and not to my prior knowledge it contains Mark Strong the awesome, yay.

Rating: 3/5
^^Eugh, it was on at the end of my road last week, and I missed it. Didn't realise it was such a 'mare to try and find it :(
Submarine has been horribly screened everywhere - hardly any cinemas in the UK are showing it as much as they should be. We got it in MK on Friday it had 5 screenings Friday - Sunday, reduced to 3 Mon-Fri this week then is on one a day for a week before going from the cinema. This is just at the 12 screen Cineworld... Ridiculous, especially as they're still showing The Kings Speech on 3-5 screenings a day this week. I saw it many months ago and they still show it?!

(I accept demand leads to more screenings, but Submarine has been in high demand AND is an amazing BRITISH film...:roll:)

Needless to say, I watched it on Sunday before it slipped out of the cinema ;)

Submarine - I have been waiting to see for a fair few months now. I'm not a fan of Richard Ayoade as he puts on a character in whatever he does which is really unfunny, but away from the cameras I know he has passion for film, and as it was his director debut, I was looking forward to seeing what he came up with. It was beautiful - well shot, though not perfectly so, it was a real feel good kind of film with some good humour and great acting. I fell in love with it. Brilliant!


A Beautiful Mind. I really enjoyed it - Russell Crowe's acting was brilliant, and the film really captured how schizophrenia can drastically change somebody's life, but they can still leave a successful life even with the condition. Highly enjoyed.


The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
. It wasn't amazing, but it was good. It was very boring at times, but the final 15 minutes made up for that. It wasn't really sad, but it did make me think a bit about the war and such. It was worth a watch, though I do feel it is a tad overrated.


Billy Elliot. I really enjoyed it and it was a very uplifting film which almost had me in tears at one point. Britishness just flows through it and it really is a British film showing the world how amazing we are. Acting was brilliant, story brilliant...everything about it was brilliant.

This movie was so great 9.5/10
Since I'm horrible at writing reviews heres one that has the exact same opinions as me.
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. It wasn't amazing, but it was good. It was very boring at times, but the final 15 minutes made up for that. It wasn't really sad, but it did make me think a bit about the war and such. It was worth a watch, though I do feel it is a tad overrated.

Yah, I agree, its a good film but the beginning is so slow. Then again, it shows a movie doesn't have to be full of action to be enjoyable.

And Justin, I wanna see Insidious!
Just saw Limitless.

It was good. Not amazing, but not a lot wrong with it either. It was just good. The cinematography, however, was very good. Some of the shots, especially in the opening, were very nice.

But overall, it was a good 7.5/10.
Saw SuckerPunch All I can say is i'm glad I didn't have to pay for it. The action scenes were amazing, and visually it was amazing. However nothing was ever explained, ever, leaving so many questions. The story is very loose, and I feel as if though he was rushed through the entire thing. It had potential to be bad ass because of the action scenes, but there were only 3 major scenes, and all the stuff in between was just meh.

Some idiot (RE: Will) posted a "top 100 films of the decade" thing on Facebook. I realised there were some that I hadn't seen that looked interesting and "added them to Lovefilm".

Low and behold, they appear on the PS3 version. Hurrah, no waiting for disks for potentially crap films :)

First up Downfall. I didn't know much about this, other than "the last few weeks of Hitler's life" (in German). Not generally my kind of thing, but it's spawned memes, so must be worth watching. It's very good. I'm not going to say brilliant, but it's really captivating. I don't know how much of it is true and it seemed at times a bit "we're telling what we think happened, but don't really know..." Well worth watching though, even if Hitler is so evil he even kills his own dog!!!

Next, Man on wire a documentary about a mad French bloke who sets up an Italian job-esque jape to tightrope walk between the Twin Towers the year they opened. It never quite explains where a jongleur from Paris gets enough cash together to be jet setting around the world and plan these things despite never working. However, it's a good rolling yarn about somebody being a bit mad/smug/idiotic and the mad/smug/idiotic people he gets to help him.

Not sure why it's a "must see" to be honest, but I found it at the very least "interesting".

In disk form, I watched The last airbender with Maxi-Minor_Furie who thoroughly enjoyed it. He didn't understand why I was in hysterics when there was a yell of "THAT'S RIGHT! I'M A BENDER!!!", but other than that, we managed to both come away not hating the experience. I think it's an interesting story and handled by a decent director, it might have been good... Or maybe best left to a Saturday morning cartoon actually...

On TV (we need to make sure everyone knows I have a PS3/Blu-Ray/TV/Cinema ticket) I recorded Queen of the Damned. I never really liked Interview with a vampire, it was all a bit poncy and stuff for me. I DID enjoy The Vampire Lestat though, but only because it was set in medieval Italy. Queen of the damned is a kind of mix up of several of Stephanie Myer... Erm, Anne Rice's books about her sparkly vamps and is a complete train wreck from beginning to end. Pretty dreadful film full of teen goth **** material. It reminded me of everything I hated about the 90's goth scene. Utter pants.

That'll do for now, I have one of Gavin's favourites to watch this weekend ;)
Watched Red Riding Hood like 2 days ago or something. It's actually REALLY good, I enjoyed it, it's not a love story like it's being portrayed at all, yes, it does have love as a big factor to the outcome of the film, but yeah, it's no ****ing Twilight.

Also, the ending has a good twist to it: 4/5
^ I heard it was horrible, but I always liked the looks of the trailers, and I'm no Twilight fan (never read a book or watched the movie of it).
That film looks like it could go either way so I'm intrigued but being directed by the diabolical director of Twilight I'm not expecting to be pleased.

Anyway I had one of my days at the cinema today. First film I saw was Hop.

I was really hoping it would be funny and entertaining, unfortunately the funniest thing about it was the two little minions (from Despicable me) at the beginning (can they just have their own film now please? kthx). To be honest my main issue with the film is that it is full of cringe-inducing moments, something that I actually loathe more than anything else in a film. I'm sure kids will love it but for me it was just a bit boring (felt like a Chrismtas film with all the Christmas elements replaced with rabbits, chicks and eggs) and just nothing to write home about.

Rating: 2/5

Next up was Sucker Punch

I wasn't really looking forward to it as I hated Watchmen and 300 doesn't look like my cup of frappaccino. I'm failing to think about a good thing to say about this film. Like Jer pointed out, nothing is ever explained. It's all very WTF and just pointless. How is the main female character thinking about killing beasts 300 times bigger than her make her some sort of dance god? Oh and we never see this magical dance which seems to make these 'evil' people hypnotised enough for her character-less buddies to steal from them. It's all just rather sh*te.

Rating: 1/5

I then saw Source Code

I loved Duncan Jones' first film Moon, it was just excellent in every way. This was good but not really on the same level as Moon. I thought the cast were good and the twists were great (although some will predict them and moan that it was predictable). It was just a very good film and once again I look forward to what Duncan Jones does next.

Rating: 4/5

Then I ended the evening with a special screening of Foo Fighters: Back and Forth.

It's a brand new documentary detailing everything that has happened to the band since they began. It was great, reminds me how much of their music I really love. It was interesting and amusing and it's clearly a must-see for any Foo Fighter fans out there.

Rating: 4/5

Oh they then showed a special recording from the other day of them performing the entirety of their new album which was rather cool even if it contained several moments of dodgy audio.