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I saw the trailer yonks ago..must have been at least 2 months ago now.

Seeming as though Shrek 1 was legendary, Shrek 2 was acceptable, and Shrek the Third I have not seen as it never got a single good thing said about it, I won't be going to see it unless I have nothing left to watch.
^^^I only really have a grudge against 3D because it never works for me! :lol: In the Bolt screening, everyone else was "ooo"ing and "aahh"ing, and I was the only one shouting "I CANT SEE IT!!". I dunno....I just don't think 3D likes me.
^The 3D in Bolt was pretty crap. It's all improving slowly. The 3D in Avatar and Final Destination for example was AMAZING!!!
Even though 3D is hardly new technology it's come along way since the cardboard red and blue glasses. With Real-D and directors implementing 3D into their films all the time now the effect will get more and more impressive until in a couple of years when we'll look back at 2D films and say "That was so last decade". :P

But yeah Bolts 3D was pretty crap but each time I see a 3D film now it seems to be improving as they experiment with what works and what doesn't.
^Avatar is definitely a film I need to see - I'm actually quite ashamed to say I haven't seen it yet! :( I've heard the 3D is fantastic, but I reckon the best way to see it is in an Imax cinema :wink:
The IMAX screening of Avatar is the same as any other 3D screening. Only films made using the IMAX cameras are different.

I thought the Bolt 3D was pretty good. What I think is hilarious is that it was subtle and just to make it more immersive, exactly the same as Avatar. No hype was given to Bolt in 3D therefore no one noticed it or went "Can't see it" whereas with Avatar everyone goes "wow, it's so immersive and amazing". Such a joke.

Another example? Up, I couldn't really notice the 3D but because critics raved about it's great use of 3D everyone thought it was amazing.

Boo to 3D, I already have to wear glasses, I can't wear 3D ones at the same time without it being total gash, so, pfffttt...


I went to see Nine yesterday amidst a LOT of anticipation. Rob Marshall's last musical, Chicago, was a top 5 film of the last decade for me (probably with Mulholland Drive, Moulin Rouge, Kill Bill and Inglorious Basterds if anyone's keeping count...), so, I was a *little* excited since it has two of my favourite women, Cruz and Kidman, as well.

So, lets get this out the way quickly - I LOVED it. Amazing. Awesome. Fantastic. Loved it. OK, to stem this gushing there IS problems with it - Sophia Loren just... sucks... Some of the songs are cut a bit short or just stuck in a bit randomly and they're generally not as well integrated as they were in Chicago, and it sort of lacks a few BIG numbers (something Chicago has in bucket loads), but, this IS a different sort of musical, so, I suppose that doesn't really matter. On this point, it's a LOT more "serious" than Chicago, or, indeed, any movie musical of the last ten years. It's not Hairspray, Mamma Mia or High School Musical, and, here I think it comes up to it's biggest problem - it just doesn't have the audience something this big budget needs. It's a GREAT film, but, it's NOT one that was ever going to be a box office success IMO. It's not a show that is popular (who hadn't heard of the Phantom of the Opera? So, despite the fact that film's actually quite a terrible adaptation, it still did better...), and I think that has hurt it's box office success. Nine as a musical just doesn't have that appeal IMO, which is a SHAME, because I think it's now being missed by a lot of people, and it's sending the message of "LOOK, this well directed, awesomely cast musical is being ignored, lets make more crappy special effects movies or remake more horror films!", which, sucks.

OK, I'll get off what's wrong with it, I did say I loved it, so, the good, and there's a LOT of it. The score is really good in an almost "grown-up" way. This goes back to what I was saying, this IS a serious musical, it's a drama not a comedy, and the score reflects that. It does have stand-out tunes, but, not one that just takes over the entire score (like happens in Phantom and everything else Webber has ever written...) Be Italian, Unusual Way and Take It All are certainly the stand-outs, but, all songs (minus Sophia Loren's which was just dull and about 30 seconds long) were handled brilliantly and performed excellently. Penelope Cruz just steals the show in every scene she's in AGAIN, but, it's Fergie that steals the whole film. She's in it for perhaps ten minutes (and doesn't say anything over than her song), but, she makes such a huge impact it's hard not to love her. Marion Cotillard is WONDERFUL as well, really making you sympathise with this poor woman. Judi Dench is also amazing, just as usual. Daniel Day-Lewis is also wonderful, making you actually sympathise with a man who is basically a dick.

And then there's Rob Marshall's direction. Well. I'm not even going to go into it, but, he's cemented himself as the best musical director we have IMO.

It's just... amazing. I really am not surprised it's getting a negative reaction because it's VERY much a musical for people who LOVE their musicals, not just those who "kinda like them" like Hairspray, Mamma Mia and, I'd say, Chicago, were. I'd love to see it up for a few Oscars. Probably not winning any (Inglorious Basterds needs to just sweep the board this year), but, nominated would make me happy.


(yes, that was a good end gag, right?)
I saw Avatar last weekend in 3D it was an amazing film. The visuals were stunning and I found myself stairing at trees for half of the film (no joke) and overall the CGI was amazing, there was amazing depth in all the CGI which made for good 3D. Unfortunately it lacked depth in the story. Whilst it was a good story it was rather predictable and was no way near what I was expecting. So whilst it does the job it certainly won't win any awards for it's story. To be honest I think the 3D realy makes this film and it would be an average SCI FI film without it.


For a better SCI film go buy district 9. Whilst the visuals aren't anywhere near as amazing they are certainly good. The story is deep and amazingly well done. The characters are well done and you acctualy feel for some of them, to the extent that I refuse to call the aliens prawns! ^^ Anyway it is truely the story that makes this film! Go watch it now if you havent allready!

Just watched The Rocky Horror Picture Show:
Excellent film. Weird seeing the castle/mansion in the film though as I've been there and was spotting the locations scenes were filmed in it.
Really enjoyable to watch even though it's quite random. Although I have to admit I started to get slightly bored towards the end just after they'd just been turned to stone or whatever it is. Also the actress who plays Janet annoys me at quite a few points through the film as her acting was terrible.
Other than that it's a really good film and makes me want to do the time warp. :P
Watched Paranormal Activity last night.

I kinda don't know what to say about it. It was a pretty good movie, but from what I heard I expected it to be a lot more thrilling and a lot more scary (although some parts of it mainly towards the end caught you off-guard). All in all though it was an ok movie, had some subtle humour throughout, and if the girl wasn't possessed and actually looked as good as the actress who played her, I think I'd take her.

:wink: *coughs* oh yeah my rating. My bad.
Ollie said:
Just watched The Rocky Horror Picture Show:
Excellent film. Weird seeing the castle/mansion in the film though as I've been there and was spotting the locations scenes were filmed in it.
Really enjoyable to watch even though it's quite random. Although I have to admit I started to get slightly bored towards the end just after they'd just been turned to stone or whatever it is. Also the actress who plays Janet annoys me at quite a few points through the film as her acting was terrible.
Other than that it's a really good film and makes me want to do the time warp. :P

Funnily enough I also watched this (more subjected to depending on your point of view) the other night...

Tim Curry <3

It's weird, it's wtf?, but it's actually amazing...

The bad acting is basically part of the film, and in the end the randomness makes it...

^ I also watched rocky horror! After being a massive fan of repo I decided to watch Rocky horror. Lets just say I now can't stop listening to the soundtrack!
RollerCoasterFanatic said:
Watched Paranormal Activity last night.

I kinda don't know what to say about it. It was a pretty good movie, but from what I heard I expected it to be a lot more thrilling and a lot more scary (although some parts of it mainly towards the end caught you off-guard). All in all though it was an ok movie, had some subtle humour throughout, and if the girl wasn't possessed and actually looked as good as the actress who played her, I think I'd take her.

:wink: *coughs* oh yeah my rating. My bad.
That looked like the worst film ever. Seriously, I have no desire to see it, it looked balls.

Plus, all my friends that have seen it don't rate it well either, so...
Paranormal Activity was awesome, but, no film EVER made will EVER come close to the Rocky Horror Picture Show <3 All you guys get As. Well, Ollie an A- for not saying 10/10...
Ollie said:
Also the actress who plays Janet annoys me at quite a few points through the film as her acting was terrible.

That's kinda the point. The whole film screams, "Yeah, this is terrible, but you ****ing love us for it!

I'm gonna have to watch it again now, what a SHAME.

Hixee said:
That looked like the worst film ever. Seriously, I have no desire to see it, it looked balls.

Plus, all my friends that have seen it don't rate it well either, so...

If you saw my original post after I'd seen it, I rated it the worst film I'd ever seen. But after numerous 'polite' complaints from members, I changed it to the worst film I'd seen this year :P

It was very bad, poor acting, poor style, and pretty simple effects which even I could do.

Plus, what really annoys me is the fact this guy bought a very expensive camera, yet it DOESN'T HAVE NIGHT VISION!!! WTF?!

It's the ultimate Marmite film. You'll ever love it or hate it. I recommend you see it for it's comedic value, and nothing else.
ciallkennett said:
It's the ultimate Marmite film. You'll ever love it or hate it. I recommend you see it for it's comedic value, and nothing else.
Yeah, everyone loves it and Ciall hates it. You only likes crap films anyway.
Pffft.... call yourself a film student?