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Hmmm, wasn't bad really I suppose, though the story could have been a bit more involved. Sorry, but not getting at all what could be considered confusing about it.

The two main actors/characters were decent, but the secondary characters, including the villain, fell a bit flat for me.

I really didn't get the whole Irene/guy she was working with thing.. That was the confusing part. I got that they were trying to crack Blackwood's scheme, but other than that I was kinda lost.


The Legend

Classic about the rugby team who's plane crashes in South America.

Well.. I thought it was pretty cool.



CF Legend
The Hurt Locker

Was intense, great script and fantastic cinematography, stunning to watch.


Best film I've seen in a long time!

Classic about the rugby team who's plane crashes in South America.

I remember seeing that movie.. Some parts are pretty nasty if I do recall. Good movie though.

But damnit why did you have to remind me about planes/crashes :( .


Giga Poster
I watched both 'Let the Right One In' and 'Moon' last night/this morning.

'Let the Right One In' takes everything bad about 'Twilight' and makes it awesome. They're releasing a Hollywood remake this year, and I fear it's going to be naff, so I urge you all to watch the original before it comes out.

'Moon' is also very good. <3


The Legend
LiveForTheLaunch said:

Classic about the rugby team who's plane crashes in South America.

I remember seeing that movie.. Some parts are pretty nasty if I do recall. Good movie though.

But damnit why did you have to remind me about planes/crashes :( .

Because I like to remind you that you're a huge pussy.


CF Legend
Movie 4 out of 7 that I got for christmas.

My Neighbor Totoro.

Well, I enjoyed it quite a bit. It was cute, charming and overall a nice film however I have to rate it as my least favorite Ghibli Movie purely because of the length, way too short. I understand what it's target audience is but it still left me wanting a bit more. Nevermind.


CF Legend
Lain said:
I watched both 'Let the Right One In' and 'Moon' last night/this morning.

'Let the Right One In' takes everything bad about 'Twilight' and makes it awesome. They're releasing a Hollywood remake this year, and I fear it's going to be naff, so I urge you all to watch the original before it comes out.

'Moon' is also very good. <3

Let the right one in is ok. Swimming pool scene though <3

Moon I thought was absolutely amazing, definitely a must-see. I've already got it on blu-ray and I can't wait to watch it again.


The Legend
Jessica's Body

Saw it at a party I went to tonight.. so I didn't see the whole thing.. but I really didn't need to. It sucked. The ONLY redeeming quality is that Megan Fox is hott.



Staff member
Not yours Taylor, not enough meat to feed a mildly hungry hedgehog!


From CoasterForce
Staff member
Social Media Team
I want and saw Avatar (2D) the other night.

I liked it and I don't like films that much.

Very pretty, go see it ina cineam, would lose some of it's appeal on the small screen.



CF Legend
^The 3D really helped. It felt gimmicky at the start but that's just to impress the viewers. But after a while it really helps make Pandora feel much more real and immersive.

Anyway I didn't know there was a trailer for Shrek 4 out until I saw Avatar. 3 sucked but this looks slightly better. Plus the 3D in the trailer seemed pretty good so will make it a bit more entertaining.


CF Legend
Wow, Ollie, I hadn't seen that Shrek 4 trailer yet. This will be one film I will be avoiding like the plague. I'd rather go and watch Alvin and the Chipmunks 2 again. The Shrek films are dire, puss in boots was ok in the second film but after a while he got quite boring. While the trailer makes the forth film look slightly original it still looks absolutely dire.


Hyper Poster
As with most films, the sequels are never as good as the original. But I'm still quite looking forward to Shrek 4. Thanks for posting the link, Ollie :p



CF Legend
^3D is the way all films are going. Wont be long before every film will be in 3D. The public demand it and the film makers give it to them. Plus 3D films have been really popular and a great money maker last year as people were finding things to do closer to home.

Nemesis Inferno

Strata Poster
In that trailer, the only thing I laughed at was fat Puss in Boots because of cats in real life being like that...

However... I didn't see the third, and doubt I'll bother with this...