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New attractions at Paultons Park

As someone who’s never visited Paulton’s I can’t really visualize a Power Loop there, so we’ll have to see. Isn’t really wide appeal, even among thrill coasters.

In terms of one theoretically emerging for 2026 there’s a few contenders out there. Everything seems to indicate that Freizeitpark Plohn will receive a Mack water coaster of some kind, although given the product and leaked pitch I think we’d be hard-pressed to see the Power Loop happen. There also exists the incredibly valid possibility that Cedar Point will receive a Mack water coaster in 2026, given that corporate has been proven to have had extensive conversations about it and signed off on something for the park. Snake River Falls is gone for future expansion now but again I personally don’t think it’s more likely than a proper water coaster layout.

Then again Paultons could to have been considering one, given that the planning doc awhile ago used an Intamin water coaster in the cover. I wouldn’t be surprised if Paultons did something similar, but a Power Loop at a family park (even an ambitious one at that) is quite frankly ludicrous.
Here's a thought I've had about the Vikings Attraction that is stupid in some ways (I don't even like the ride type), but also weirdly makes sense in some ways so I thought I'd share it:
Could the new coaster be a Power Loop?
+ would fill two big gaps in the current lineup (launch coaster and major water ride)
+ Paultons seems to be happy with Mack, ordering the second mack product in a span of 5 years with ghostly manor
+ they should have the space for it (?)
+ could fit the vikings theme quite well
+ fits the vikings announcement clip pretty well (taking an existing thing and inverting it)
+ even sort of fits that Lawrence Mancey tweet (RMC makes existing coasters more extreme and adds inversions, the same would be done with a water coaster) (I do realize that tweet ist most likely completely meaningless)
(+ i've heard a rumor that Mack has sold the first Power Loop for the 2026 season, wasn't from any sort of credible source though, so not be be given any importance)
Surely it would be too similar to Edge?