Mega Poster
I think that could be a good shout considering the controversy that it's had in that location due to the noise and planning.I would be more inclined to say a retheme too but the fact that Paultons is hinting at an inversion coaster makes that tricky.
If you look at Lost kingdom and Tornado springs, they both have 2 thrill rides and supporting rides in an area, and I think having 4 thrill rides (cobra, magma, edge and rumoured coaster) is pushing it a bit as they are still a family-thrill park.
I don’t think edge will be retired yet as it’s not an old ride, but I can see it being relocated as they have done in they past with temple heights to make way for splash lagoon.
I'm quite inclined to say that whilst still retaining a balanced line up, there would be more than two thrill rides considering the size of the land especially if this is taking up the entire left side of the park outside of Lost Kingdom.
Sorry if this goes into a tangent but I had a bit of fun with this

1. Intamin Multi Launch Coaster with a 25m tall swing launch and at least 2 inversions. (Thrill 1.2-1.3m).
2. Intamin Flume Ride - Similar to Biberburg. Long Term Replacement for Raging River. (Family-Thrill 1m plus).
3. Mack Seastorm - Long Term Replacement for Dragon (Family 0.9m)
4. Mack Twist N Splash - Likely Replacement for Teacups (Family 0.9m)
5. Zamperla Endeavour - 48 seat variation (Thrill 1.2m)
6. Zamperla Nebulaz (Family Thrill 1m)
7. Zamperla Air Race 6.4 Variation (Thrill 1.2m)
8. Zamperla Barnyard (Family 0.8m)
9. Zamperla Aero Top Jet (Family, No Height Requirement).
10 Bertazzon Dodgems (Family Thrill 1-1.1m)
That would be in addition to
1. Rethemed Cobra (Family Thrill 1.1m)
2. Rethemed Magma (Family Thrill 1.1m)
3. Relocated Kontiki (Family 0.9m)
4. Relocated Viking Boats (Family No Height Requirement).
5. Relocated Pirate Ship (Family 0.9m)
6. Repositioned Edge (Thrill 1.2m)
7. Rethemed Sky Swinger (Family-Thrill 1m)
I personally believe this offers a balanced family thrill area which includes
1 New Thrill Coaster
1 Refurbished Family Thrill Coaster
1 Replacement Family Thrill Water Ride
2 new supporting thrill ride and 1 refurbished supporting thrill rides.
2 new family thrill rides alongside the existing 2 family thrill rides.
4 new family rides alongside 3 refurbished and relocated family rides
This would be 4 thrill rides, 6 family thrill rides and 7 family rides offering a balanced all ages area. The rides I have suggested offer something different to the existing park offering or are upgrades to existing rides which I anticipate will be valuable supporting rides to the new coaster which will be very popular and put the park on the map as an all ages park.
In total, this would be 17 rides with 10 new and 7 refurbished.
My definition of scale I used:
Family = 0.9m and under height requirement
Family Thrill = 1m to 1.1m
Thrill = 1.2m plus
With this, I know this is ambitious however I can see this potentially being likely with the scale of the area and the park's ambition.
This also allows the remaining 3 family rides in the right side area except for the Carousel (which will stay as is) and the Teacups (which will go at the end of 2025) to be relocated and integrated into the new area whilst their old area gets developed next and not long after.
This is just me speculating as a bit of fun and may not be right by a long shot however if it gets close, I'd be amazed.