Search results

  1. Rush

    Marmite Coasters

    I quite liked Kraken. I thought it was more fun than intense to be honest. However when I went on it, it was my biggest coaster to date so that probably had an effect on my opinion of it. I'd consider Hulk to be a marmite coaster. Some people I know really didn't think much of it yet a lot of...
  2. Rush

    Fix Me!

    The things I dislike about myself cannot be changed with plastic surgery. Although not really what the topic is on about, I would definitely consider laser eye surgery. I don't plan on wearing glasses for the rest of my life and my eyes are apparently unsuitable for contacts as well. I'd be...
  3. Rush

    Thirteen, Intamin ''psychoaster'' - Alton Towers 2010

    Seeing as they're going out of their way to hype this thing up; you would have thought they open it on the 13th not the 20th, just to complete the theme. :? I haven't seen a lot of it really except for a few hills and turns but I'm not expecting anything spectacular. From what I've seen it...
  4. Rush

    What is this?

    Nope, same as me. It's always coke for us, when ever I eat out and want a coke, pepsi etc, I always ask for Coke.
  5. Rush

    2012 Comes Early

    Bearing in mind the record windspeed ever recorded at ground level is 231mph, I reckon there's a mistake. Surely if windspeeds like these are ever even predicted there'd be a mass media panic? :lol:
  6. Rush

    Disney world twinned with... Swindon

    Swindon?! </3 When a town's main claim to fame is Billie Piper, I think it's clear that they're desperate for a re-branding.
  7. Rush

    The Worst B&M Inverted Coaster

    Urrm... because it slows down a lot. :rolls: Thus killing the pacing which you picked up on last time.
  8. Rush

    The Worst B&M Inverted Coaster

    Here is your answer. QFT. I believe that it reaches it's top speed just before the loop, and then it is killed immediately after. All that build up of speed suddenly just wasted. I much prefer it when the coaster gets straight into it, fast from the beginning. Nemesis just doesn't do it...
  9. Rush

    When do you put up your decorations?

    Usually the first or second weekend in December, I think the only oppurtunity we have is this Saturday (5th). We don't usually go over the top, just a decorated tree and some small lights outside does us fine. Living in a culdesac, we don't get a lot of people seeing them anyway.
  10. Rush

    The Worst B&M Inverted Coaster

    Yeah, that's what I mean to say, I ride it wanting to enjoy it but I just don't find it fun or enjoyable. I've had two visits to Alton, I think it was the disappointment which put me off the first time but the second visit I really couldn't enjoy it, I don't like it. My sister's didn't like it...
  11. Rush

    The Worst B&M Inverted Coaster

    Sorry to disagree, but I just dislike the ride and don't think it's very good. Whilst it may look good and is unique, I don't think it delivers on ride. I go on it hoping I finally understand the hype and come off it totally disatisfied. It's not a fun ride and whilst the interactions with the...
  12. Rush

    The Worst B&M Inverted Coaster

    I've been on six B&M Inverts and the best by a country mile is Alpengeist. That thing is seriously ****ing awesome. I'll probably get flamed for this, but Inferno would be my second favorite. It's not the biggest but it's fun and has a decent amount of force. The Dragons would be next...
  13. Rush

    The out of context, selective quote game.
  14. Rush

    The out of context, selective quote game.

    Martyn's Quote: Steven's is at the top of the page.
  15. Rush

    Marmite! LOVE it or HATE it?

    Marmite is wonderful! Neal on the other hand... :P
  16. Rush

    The Muppets: Bohemian Rhapsody

    Yeah... but even Bob the Builder got to number one. Twice. :P I thought it was great, not the actual song but it was nicely put together. If it did reach the Christmas number one I'd LOVE to see Simon Cowell's reaction.
  17. Rush

    "Now Showing"

    I too watched Star Trek last night and had similar views. Good action scenes, nice effects etc. Took me a while to get into (having not seen any previous Star Treks) and at points it took me a little while to understand. It seemed to jump from scene to scene a bit to rapidly though...
  18. Rush

    Bottom 5: 2009 Edition

    I don't think I can name five truly awful coasters I've been on. (Except the kiddy ones of course.) Big Dipper at Blackpool was revolting. The experience could only be compared with descending Mount Everest on a jackhammer, I think my back was ****ed up for at least a week afterwards...
  19. Rush

    Most intense ride you've ever been on

    100% agree, no single ride experiience has made me feel as unstable after it. (Except when I went straight back on to ride it again. :P)
  20. Rush

    A Reflection On The 2009 Season - Yes, it's that time again.

    Did you reach the coaster count goal that you set at the beginning of the season? Can't remember but I knew I wasn't going to get many "credits" and I only managed to increase my count by seven, but I don't really mind. More out there for another season. What was the best new-for-you...