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  1. Rush

    Rate the Sig and Avatar - II

    ^What? 0/10 for you because they don't match, look blurry, too much stuff in your sig and "not relevant to the text." Brookes, I like your set but I think that the train coming in on the right doesn't fit in with the rest of it that well. Have a proper rating of 8/10.
  2. Rush

    Coaster of the Decade

    ^Yeah, but how many were built after Air. Six? Not to mention the first Superman only opened WEEKS after Air did. I reckon the other flyers are influenced more by Superman than Air. So if we are going to talk about B&M Flyers I'd say Superman would be the answer. Saying that, I haven't...
  3. Rush

    Scarefest 18th. *Spoilers*

    Re: Scarefest 18th. Read. Hooray for hearing about a Halloween event which ISN'T Fright Nights. I would really REALLY like to go to Scarefest to see how it compares. I've heard brilliant reviews about TOTT and I agree Field of Screams does look a bit **** in daylight. Oblivion at...
  4. Rush

    Cedar Point | News and Rumor Topic | New talk Page 42

    I'm more upset it's replacing the Screamin' Swing at Knot's. :( Oh well, at least it gives me a reason NOT to go back there.
  5. Rush

    YOU SIR!

    Cake. Dying is overrated.
  6. Rush

    Stupid things the GP have said

    I have a new one. On Thursday, on Colossus as we were going up the lift, the girl behind us shreiks: "OH MY GOD! DOES THIS THING GO UPSIDE DOWN?!!"
  7. Rush

    Another Crappy Publicity Stunt From Thorpe

    Saw managed to stay open all day yesterday with no breakdowns at all. Maybe there is a curse! :lol:
  8. Rush

    Rate the Sig and Avatar - II

    5/10. Sorry, I'm not a fan of the way the avatar's done. I reckon the logo is better placed on the sig where you can see it better. Also the picture is very blurry in the sig and the avatar would look a lot better with a black frame.
  9. Rush

    Compositions for the young and old.

    That's a rather ignorant thing to say. Family groups have a much wider range than any other group who would go to a theme park. They can consist of thrill seekers who'll go on everything, the ones who are too small for the big rides, those who don't want to go on big rides etc. So building a...
  10. Rush

    The out of context, selective quote game.
  11. Rush

    Thirteen, Intamin ''psychoaster'' - Alton Towers 2010

    The slogan's actually "Ride the Demon of the Dark Forest." This part is at the top of the poster and separate from "Surrender in 2010," which has probably lead people into thinking that's the name. I personally don't think it's the name. It doesn't really...
  12. Rush

    Fright nights

    That's a bit rich coming from the person who feels its necessary to have a link to his YouTube page in every four posts he makes. :wink:
  13. Rush

    This vs That

    Baco. I think it looks very 'meh' but it's something which is very different and its actual setting is gorgeous. Stealth is a dog turd which has been trodden into a pavement. Hydra vs Daemonen
  14. Rush

    Roller Coaster Kingdom

    I started this yesterday... it annoyingly causes my internet to bust a few minutes into playing. >.< I'm still quite a noob to this haha. I keep wasting money on trees and decorations. All my guests have disappeared too so I've ended up bringing in a lot of hamburger tours. :lol: Are the...
  15. Rush

    The out of context, selective quote game.

    Hem Hem. :wink:
  16. Rush

    This vs That

    No options Taylor? :P I'll just answer the Nemesis one and I have to say, Inferno is really a huge amount better in my opinion. Nemesis is rubbish. :wink: Eejanaika vs X2? (Please remember to answer this next time! :P)
  17. Rush

    This vs That

    X:\NWO. It's not THAT bad. Aw and thanks for remembering my one ECG! :D Anubis vs Lynet
  18. Rush

    Britsh Airways Do A Ryanair

    WTF? Airlines still have to pay out huge sums of money to compensate families etc. Plus, the aircraft will most likely be written off and I'd say a company would get FAR more damage to its reputation with say 30 deaths instead of 50 injuries. That's not counting the many court cases which...
  19. Rush

    The Best & Worst PR stunts

    I think he's saying that they're inviting quadruplets who were born in Belgium, to the park on October 17th. That did confuse me the first time but it makes more sense.
  20. Rush

    This vs That

    Alpengeist. Although that may be a bit bias because it's my number 1, Montu looks like it dies a bit earlier on its layout. A boomerang vs a Standard SLC?