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  1. R

    Retro Squad at Alton Towers

    One can only hope that they have something lined up to replace them, particularly now Enterprise is gone too. X-Sector may well be in the same position as Dark Forest, 2 coasters and bugger all else.
  2. R

    What is your favorite vekoma?

    Loved Rock n Roller and Everest, but I'd have to go with Stuntfall as a personal favourite, such a solid, intense ride that exceed expectations massively.
  3. R

    Best ride at BGT (not including Iron Gwazi)

    Montu for me, by some distance, however its worth noting that Kumba was closed on my one and only visit, and I do generally enjoy the old school B&M's, Dragon Khan being a ride a rank particularly highly, and I enjoyed Kraken so that may challenge it when I return.
  4. R

    Rate the BPB wooden coasters

    I have to admit I absolutely adore all 3, but my vote has to go to the National. Its the better of the 3 by some distance, and it was my first coaster besides the Little Dipper what got my hooked on coasters. The RollerCoaster, I never really rated as a child, I always found it tame, however as...
  5. R

    Rate the BPB wooden coasters

    I'm sure this has been done before, but with many complaining the National is un-rideable these days and others suggesting the Streak is dull, neither of which I agree with i thought it may he interesting to see the results of this.
  6. R

    Favorite first drops...

    In no particular order Steel: Mako Oblivion Shambhala Big One Baco (yes, that drop thats about one foot big after the launch is insane) Wood: Grand National
  7. R

    Rant about your home park...

    See WTF BPB topic. In my opinion, they have the best coaster line up in the UK, but the way the park is operating these days is a mixture of depressing and dam right concerning. To say they aren't living up to their potential is the understatement of the millennium, and the longer it goes on...
  8. R

    Renovation over Removal: A growing trend?

    I haven't had chance to ride Megafobia yet since the re-tracking, but have only heard or read good things about it. Going forward I'd love to see the same thing happen to the Grand National, just without any layout changes or extra double drops added. The ride has run for 88 years, for the...
  9. R

    Your Least Common Opinion?

    They are dumb, particularly when they are in a park where you need an ap or QR code to be able to pay the extortionate price to access them.
  10. R

    Theme Parks with the best catering

    Got to be Epcot for the reasons above, was genuinely spoiled for choice....after I was robbed for 2 pints of Harp of all things in the English pavilion!
  11. R

    Favourite beverage

    Haven't tried those, will keep an ear out. If you are an IPA fan and a coaster fan, if you ever find yourself in Southport you may like the tap and bottle, great little bar do there own brewing and are happy to give samples, or at least they were the last few times I have been in.
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    Your most “different” park visit?

    2018 at Blackpool. First child-free visit we had done for many years. Arrived mid morning, found very little open, what was open had a ridiculous queue. Did a full lap of the park and settled up at FY4 with a couple of pints. After discussing the cons (there were no pros) to the removal of the...
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    Favourite beverage

    Regardless of if its in a theme park, after a long day at work or just to enjoy the sunshine in a beer garden, whats your go to beverage of choice?
  14. R

    Your UK motorway service station count

    Anyone remember the First service station on the M61 at Rivington? Glad to see its been improved somewhat since EuroGarages took over.
  15. R

    Drayton Manor | Gold Rush | Intamin Family Coaster | 2024

    I heard rumours about a serf-coaster train being developed, I guess that would fit the theme of the area (to some degree) but I won't lie, I have no idea what that is or how it rides.
  16. R

    WTF BPB?

    6 pm close....switch on weekend Saturday 🤦
  17. R

    "Which European country is best for roller coasters?": A statistical analysis of European countries' coaster selections

    I think the problem we have in the UK is no one seems to actually want to be the best. Merlin, with the exception of Wickerman seem incapable of putting in a decent coaster that doesn't come with a nonsensical worlds first that sometimes without would result in a better ride. Blackpool simply...
  18. R

    Bad moments on good rides

    Pretzel loop on Manta, horrible thing.