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  1. R


    I certainly remember them, cant be sure if i actually tried them.
  2. R

    WTF BPB?

    Trust me, it was running while the fireworks were launched. It may have been further back than I said, I don't know for sure, did they at some point launch them from what is now the Boulevard car park? Maybe now they have moved its now in the fall out zone? But I can promise you 110% it has...
  3. R

    WTF BPB?

    When it was Rollercoaster, it was white in colour with a red train, and looked to the untrained eye like part of the Big Dipper, even those who knew it was a different ride more often than not saw it as the poor relation to the Dipper and National, and with such an uninspiring name, interest in...
  4. R

    WTF BPB?

    In 2020 or maybe 21 the Streak was definitely running while the fireworks were launched, we were on it. I do of course understand why they can't run the majority of the rides during the display, but it cant only be me who feels to sell a 10pm close and have ride unnecessarily closing 3 hours...
  5. R

    WTF BPB?

    It seems that for todays so called 10pm close, only the Grand National, Valhalla and IceBlast are open past 9pm out of the major rides, while some, namely the Streak, thats notoriously hard to get on, close as early as 7pm.
  6. R

    What factors determine the length/number of riders per train?

    Anyone who rode the 3 big wooden coasters at BPB in the 90s may remember the days of 4 car trains. Imagine all the tears we would had today if the back row was a car further back!
  7. R

    What are your thoughts on pre-shows on rides?

    Ones that are incorporated into the ride (Baco for example) I like. I am less of a fan of the likes of Wickermans, however given how often I ride it it isn't a massive problem for me as I'm not the kind of person who visits the park too often, but I know it irritates some who wish to lap it...
  8. R

    WTF BPB?

    RMC it 😉
  9. R

    WTF BPB?

    Again, personally I get more from the 3 woodies at BPB than most at any Merlin parks, most are hyped to the max and ultimately a let down, Thirteen and Air/Galactica particularly and I struggle take seriously anyone who suggests either are more thrilling than the National or Dipper, age doesn't...
  10. R

    WTF BPB?

    Im sorry bit I'm not agreeing there. I will conced they may not be ground breaking, modern, to your personal taste or comfortable, but to suggest the likes of the Big Dipper, Grand National, Revolution, and even Streak, Avalanche, Infusion and the Big One are not in some way or another thrilling...
  11. R

    The Prevalence of Vertigo/fear or heights in the Coaster community.

    Any ride, be it a coaster, drop tower, chairlift I am fine with. I have no issue at all because I trust the structure I am on. I was however instructed many years ago to go up a ladder onto the roof of where I work, and I absolutely filled my trousers. I had zero faith in the ladder or the...
  12. R

    Auditing videos?

    During lockdown I discovered some people had taken to wearing body cams, and turning up at test centres, job centres ect in an attempt to wind security up. I have since discovered this is an actual thing called auditing, quite a few now exist on YouTube, they visit a variety of different...
  13. R


    Simple enough, whats the best crisp manufacturer/flavour?
  14. R

    WTF BPB?

    If thats the case, and it wouldn't shock me, then it would be better for all concerned to invest in new rolling stock for the National with lap restraints that don't click down as the ride progresses, then sack the scanners off. Win win situation, better ride experience on one of their best...
  15. R

    WTF BPB?

    I think that is the nearest to an ideal solution then, though I'd not force everyone down the ride of choice being the River Caves, id rather see a PPR selection available once inside as a way of secondary spend, and give those paying simply for entry the option of what combination of rides they...
  16. R

    WTF BPB?

    How about a system where those not wishing to buy a wristband, or equivalent E-ticket or whatever, be charged a smaller amount as has been suggested, but get the value of that back in vouchers/tokens so they can have a couple of rides, or a cuppa, with the option to top up/PPR once inside? Say...
  17. R

    WTF BPB?

    I know that, and so do you, but the message to the public is that the park is cashless, which is unfortunately just another reason for people to kick up a fuss. I honestly don't see any way out of this, the owner will not change her outlook, or her focus. The park is not geared up for a...
  18. R

    WTF BPB?

    It just find it infuriating that such a model worked for over 100+ years, still works in other such parks in the states, and you only have to read comments on social media to see the entry fee is what is stopping people going, that and people having the occasional moan about cash no longer being...
  19. R

    WTF BPB?

    I am sorry, and I mean this with the upmost respect, but I don't believe that if the park went to free entry, we would see thousands of people, enough to make it so busy it takes an hour to walk across the park, turn up and none of them spend anything. People don't have that much free time on...