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  1. R

    Parque De Attractions

    Raise hell, the get to Parque Warner. As suggested above, the Spanish may not give a damn, but thats what I'd be doing in that situation.
  2. R

    Opinions on The Smiler from alton towers?

    Terrible ride, people used to slate the Corkscrew for its roughness, and as someone who lapped the Corkscrew with ease, I can assure you the Smiler is a lot worse than that ever was.
  3. R

    WTF BPB?

    I cant speak for others, but I know plenty of people are of the same opinion as me, and that is we genuinely love BPB. The thought of the place going under or even closing certain rides would be like a personal loss. This is not Morrisons has stopped selling something I like so I will start...
  4. R

    WTF BPB?

    I have just listened to the entire thing, its actually not as offensive as is being made out in fairness. I do stand by my personal gripes; Far too many rides have been removed in the last two decades. The capacity on what is left has been crippled cause queue that needn't be there. The...
  5. R

    PortAventura - Dragon Khan to get a retrack?

    Maybe he should have said it adds nothing to the ride experience unless you are in the front row, and even then it really isn't significant. I think to the vast majority of the public if you were to say something is floorless they'd picture an invert, as that has genuinely no floor. If they...
  6. R

    Rank the coasters you've done that go backwards

    1. Stuntfall 2. Revolution 3. Revenge of the Mummy 4. Texas Tornado (Morecambe) 5. Expedition Everest 6. Missile (American Adventure) 7. Swarm 8. XNWO 9. Thirteen 10. Accelerator In a rather illegal and somewhat foolish move I did ride the Rollercoaster facing backwards in the days when it...
  7. R

    Do you prefer starter or dessert in a restaurant?

    Starter for me, not got a particularly sweet tooth so I would rather wash the lot down with a cocktail if the venue can accommodate.
  8. R

    Do you prefer a Chinese or Indian takeaway?

    Indian, however my good lady isn't the biggest fan of Chinese, so when the mood does take her I jump at the chance cause it doesn't happen often. Has anyone ever experimented a bit with Keema, Fish, Duck or Paneer curries rather than sticking with chicken? I know Kemma is a bit more...
  9. R

    WTF BPB?

    Cheers for the link, I will listen to it when I have more time. I do hope it has been somewhat taken out of context, I love BPB and thinknits ride line up is still the best in the country, but they do make feeling that way a very hard task at times.
  10. R

    WTF BPB?

    It seems a recent interview with Amanda Thompson has caused a fair amount of feathers to be ruffled. 'Director of English amusement park not happy with critical season ticket holders The director and owner of the English amusement park Blackpool Pleasure Beach is lashing out at complaining...
  11. R

    Overrated rollercoasters uk edition

    Icon. I just don't get the fuss. Its good, in the same way the Avalanche is good, but its hardly a top level thrill machine. Best coaster in the country? It isn't even the best coaster to invade the southern most point of BPB! Give me any of the woodies, the Big One and as my name suggests...
  12. R

    PortAventura - Dragon Khan to get a retrack?

    Dragon Khan simply can't be allowed to die, its far too good for that, this would be a brilliant result.
  13. R

    What uk theme park looks most promising and why

    Paultons to be honest. They seem to genuinely give a dam, you don't feel fleeced after a visit and while they lack a true major coaster, its the only park that is consistently improving.
  14. R

    Most underrated uk coaster

    Revolution or Nick Streak, both really in their own right
  15. R

    WTF BPB?

    They actually did that a few years ago as part of Vampire Beach and I enjoyed it, so I was baffled when it was dropped.
  16. R

    WTF BPB?

    I believe it is 'open' from 7pm until 10, however it has been known for things to close earlier as is standard for this park. Your money gets you ONE go on the following; Icon in the dark Dodgems Ghost Train with actors and different audio River Caves with actors and different audio...
  17. R

    Loudest coaster lift hill?

    Corkscrew from Alton for me.
  18. R

    WTF BPB?

    An almost empty park will give a great experience if a ride count is what you are after. However, the October half term is traditionally a time to enjoy rides in the dark for a good few hours as per the other major parks in the country, and that runs alongside a Halloween event and the...
  19. R

    WTF BPB?

    And so it continues, one 9pm close during the illuminations, the rest of time its 5 or 6pm close, meanwhile Alton is attracting 2+ hour waits on signature rides for a variety of reasons, but the fact remains that the hardware at BPB deserves more than the 10-15 minutes wait time its currently...
  20. R

    Flamingoland Removing Lost River Ride?

    If that's refurbishment then there is home for Dueling Dragons reappearing. Sorry but its a goner.