A few days have gone past since your visit to the park, and although you've tried to get the idea of adventure out of your head, for some reason your mind keeps wondering back to the article.
In the end your curiosity gets the better of you and a short bus ride later, you're standing outside the Museum of History. You walked over to the main desk to speak to the receptionist...
"Hello, are you here for the expedition job?" she queries.
"Err, I think so.. I found this article in the paper" you say, wondering over and showing it to her.
"ahh yes! If you wait one second I'll just go and get Professor Doils" She said rushing off.
A few moments later she popped back again with the professor..
"Oooh gosh hello hello!" Said the professor in a very excitable manor "Your here for one of the positions? Ahh good! You seem just the type we need! Yes yes, wonderful! Your hired!! We leave in a week! Miss Samuelson here will give you all the details you'll be needing to here for now."
Without letting you utter so much as a flutter he whooshed off leaving the receptionist with a quirky smile
"you'll have to get used to him, he's very excitable these days, especially getting so close to his expedition." She laughed, handing you a bundle of sheets "Now, this is your basic information pack, it tells you that you need to report back here on the 16th, approximately at 4 in the morning, with your luggage. Dont pack too much! This second sheet should tell you exactly what you need to pack! Anything else?"
You just look at her bewildered
"But, do I not need to know where we're going or what we're going for or anything like that?!" you say questioningly
"No! Dont be silly!" she chuffed "you'll find out all about it on the day we leave, unfortunately we cant tell you that much more right now, its all strictly confidential! But you'll find out soon enough so dont worry your head off deary."
With that she gave a little nod, and walked away. Looking at the paperwork, you found one sheet with information on the goings on of 16th May, and the rest was all just lists of things you should and shouldnt pack. These people must think your crazy! Who'd go on a trip like this, not knowing anything about it?! As if i'd be caught dead showing up next week!
But there was an undeniable curiosity building up inside, and surely a museum funded trip couldnt cause any danger....