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Ormerod said:
Thought I'd ask in here.

Anyone got a Bush 19inch HDMI ready tv?

I need some help with it.

You need somebody to give you a lift to the rubbish dump? You're a bit too far away I'm afraid.

I suggest trying to flog it at a car boot sale, but I doubt anyone even there would be stupid enough to buy a Bush HD TV :P

Anyone else stupid enough to buy Linger in Shadows by the way :lol:
Haha, Furie.. I actually took it back to currys, it was ****ing disgusting to wake up to.

Glad I had second thoughts, now I'll have to find myself another TV, which is actually COMPATIBLE with my XBox.
Lewis said:
*Lingers in shadows*

It was a present... :roll:

£1.99 - they must love you ;)

I think I'll just buy into the hype and go on about how it's a fantastic piece of interactive art and try to make myself feel better about it all :lol:

Ormerod said:
Haha, Furie.. I actually took it back to currys, it was ****ing disgusting to wake up to.

I've been with girls like that too... ;)
I so nearly bought linger in shadows but there is just not enough info on what it actualy is so i thought i would wait a bit glad i did if the general view is poop lol hehe, I did buy some stuff for rockband though including pretty fly for a white guy by offspring cause its cool to play. Well lego batman comes out tomorrow and i was gonna buy it but im actualy thinking of waiting for this one as it seems to be getting a few less than great reviews so might wait to get it cheep second hand. Will deffo be getting little big planet though as iv spend hours messing with the beta and i love it to bits even if you get it for the puzzle/platform game its awsome but for all the other stuff you can do with it its actually quite amazing. And only 9 more days till rockband 2 is relised in America so will be getting that through work on relise so will be playing that for quite some time lol
Picked up Resistance today.

Its S'alright to me really and don't worry. Unlike ollie I won't be updating my progress thought game and think people actually cared.

Although I did get to stage 5 on Touhou 11 which made me ^_^

OH YEAH! I also downloaded Cave Story. Not played it much since I was just see if the English patch worked but <3 for it
kimahri said:
Its S'alright to me really and don't worry. Unlike ollie I won't be updating my progress thought game and think people actually cared.
The only times I talked about it was when I started it and after I had finished it, as it didn't take long to complete. :P
Ormerod said:
Abe's Oddessy

Well, that about sums up my entire childhood.

Also, Ollie. In the same way that Doom 3 and FEAR can't be described as Survival Horror, neither can Bioshock.

It's an FPS with very minor tweaking (so called RPG) and a liiitle bit of horror.

However, their previous game, System Shock 2, was. Now THAT was a game and a half.

I'd like to bet that you'd love it.

And I've already been through why I liked Bioshock. Audio/Story/Atmosphere. It's what sold HL2 (plus added non tedious gameplay) to me. Also, the mix'n'match fighting is alright for the first half. Sorta.
big john said:
I so nearly bought linger in shadows but there is just not enough info on what it actualy is so i thought i would wait a bit glad i did if the general view is poop lol hehe,

It's a tech demo. I used to love these things back in the 16 bit days, so it was nice to see something like that.

It's cool in it's own way, but only in the same way, 3D Mark is but with a little more interaction. Worth £1.99? Well, possibly if you think that it will encourage the guys from the demoscene to actually start writing real games in a similar way.

However, is it worth £1.99 for fifteen minutes of techdemo where you every so often move the dual-shock some way, or press a button? Depends on what else you were going to spend the £1.99 on. It's worth it compared to 4 kinder eggs, but not compared to 2 cans of Kestral super strength ;)

Lego Batman looks like a Batman version of Lego Indian Jones... Which was an Indian Jones version of Lego Star Wars... Which was a Star Wars version of the first Lego Star Wars.

Same games, different sets. If you loved the others and love Batman, then you'll probably love it. I enjoy the game's overall feel, they're fun, but the gameplay is tedious.
Pierre is right.

And i picked up the limited edition of DMC 4 today... it was the same price as standard ecit so why not :\
I'm slowly unlocking all the bonus songs on 'Elite Beat Agent's now. :P
Unlocked 'ABC' by the 'Jackson 5' last night. :P
Anyone think this is a good idea? :P
