^How did you get the demo for LBP? (It's not on the PSstore)
Anyway. I've just played the '
Bioshock' demo as I liked the look of it ever since it was first announced.
I really enjoyed the demo. It dropped you straight into the action after the plane crash. The lighting was suburb as you make your way down to Rapture. The way it's pitch black, and as you walk into a place that seems like you shouldn't have entered the lights click on and you get the feeling of a forgotten life down there.
The water effects ARE AMAZING. You can see every detail from the tiniest ripple and it effects what you see as well, so if you run through water gushing from above you it will blur as you go through and clear like it would getting water in your eyes in real life.
I love the way you get introduced to the 'Big Daddy's' as well.
Anyway enough about what I like, was there anything I didn't like?
Well I wasn't keen on the whole "inject yourself to get super powers" as it just seemed like a lame excuse and makes it less of a survival horror.
The way the route your meant take keeps collapsing and sending you the long way I can see will get very frustrating later on in the full game.
Once the demo was complete and it showed the montage of clips from the full game I couldn't help but wonder if the atmosphere would last the whole game and whever it would get very repetitive or not.
Anyway. The demo on a whole was brilliant and I really enjoyed it. Although I'm worried that if I splash out to buy the full game I may be disappointed so I may try to find somewhere where I can rent it for a week or for however long it takes to complete it.