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RCT3 | CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (Voting Period)

Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (OPEN)

It crashes at 0% opposed to 91%. I suppose it's considerate that it tells me 'no' right off the bat opposed to teasing me each time.

As I reduced the particle effect count I still am doubtful that's to blame. I did add some, 4 bits, and 5/6 torrents. It equates out as a reduction despite the additions.

I blame the supports and peeps. I'll delete browsing history on all my web browsers, and if that doesn't work, supports are next.

*Update* I turned graphics to minimum and deleted browsing history off all the web browsers I own. Even changed the game to windowed mode. Would deleting the CS folders actually do anything?
Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (OPEN)

I'm afraid I have to give up with Virtu. :( Even with the graphics set to minimum, the game slows down way too much to make significant progress in my project. I haven't finished supporting and given how complicated is this task, trying to complete that was getting so painstaking. Maybe I'll continue this project when I'll have a better computer, but this is not going to happen in the next week.

Unfortunately, all my other projects are with B&M or Arrow track so I don't think I can't enter a substitute entry. Unless I manage to redesign my other hyper. I'll tell you my final decision in the next days.

For the time being, I wish you good luck and fun :)
Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (OPEN)

Right quick fix time,
scw55, I think you should just delete SJ2, then see if your game runs? If it does, you can download Jcat Steelworx, which is really easy to use, so you should hopefully have your game back up and running, with custom supports in no time.

portemine, there`s a cuople of things you can try.
a) set your game quality to balanced, that`s how my gun runs best when there`s a to much going on.
b) Reduce the scenery.
c) Save your layout, then load it up in a new sandbox, you should be able able to add some different scenery in 10 days.
d) Try something different, the Mega-lite I made in the competition took 4 days from start to finish, something that`s surrounded just by trees and lakes etc, can look just as good, and takes virtually no time at all. :)
Also the supports for Intamin rides are so quick and easy because they attach the the track really easy and lack of inversions make it really simple.

I`m getting both you guys in here, to have you both forfeit after all the hard work you have put in would be a travesty.
Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (OPEN)

Deleted the custom supports data folder and it still crashes.
I'm reluctant to delete the particle effects as they were the ones I spent most effort to 'work'. I am dry of ideas of an alternative theme if the particle effects go. If they are not the cause then I will be most gutted. Is this my only option left to try?
Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (OPEN)

I think it might be unfortunately? :s The only thing I can still think off would be to, run your anti-virus, to see if you`ve picked up something? Otherwise I don`t really know what else to suggest? Can you load a new blank sandbox game?
Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (OPEN)

I can load a blank sandbox game and any other file except this specific one.
It would be strange if a virus corrupted only this file... but, I see no other way corruption could have occurred. I'll... purge the particle effects and hope that it fixes it and then quickly think of a new theme. Might give me a chance to optimise the layout. Reduce needless Gs etc. Current themeing meant that the layout was rather set in stone. Woo... positives... :Z

*edit* Deleted Particle effects, same problem is happening. Now I am utterly confused.
*edit* Starting again.
*edit* Teaser:

You can see it's a Polar opposite of my initial entry ;)

136.77 ft drop maximum.
Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (OPEN)

I found this on ShyGuyWorld. Haven't tested it yet but it seems reliable.

from SGW thread

Park CleanUp is a program design to optimize your RCT3 savegames. Park CleanUp analyses your park-files and deletes unused data out of these files. Unused data can be seen as data which RCT3 saves to your parkfile, like references to installed scenery, but which isn't used when RCT3 loads your park again. The benefits of optimized savegames are a decreased chance of crashes and optimized park-files will load faster. In some case this tool has been found to repair corrupted park-files. The best result of this tool are achieved when many custom objects are installed (the original idea behind this program was especially meant for optimizing park-files containing many custom tracks cause these eat alot of space which can cause RCT3 to crash).

Included in the download are the program as well as a user manual (English and Dutch) and a tutorial (English and Dutch). It doesn't matter in which version of RCT3 your savegame is saved.



scw55 : looks rather good although I'm a bit skeptical about this type of coaster potential in RCT3. Hope at least SteelWorx will work for you. (I wrote "will worx" initially... lapse :p )
Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (OPEN)

I tried to clean up, it sadly didn't work with my problem.

I hope I can make up for the limited capabilities of the coaster type I think you've guessed what it is by clever use of environment. I mean, take Hex. It's a fancy mini pirate-ship ride but it's so much more.

I've used elements inspired by Reddude's Wingrider layout and an inadvertent serendipity discovery when building a random flying coaster layout. But ultimately, it is still that coaster type you've suspected. In honesty, the selection of Intamin coaster types isn't exciting.

I eagerly await ruining my tundra wasteland with an abomination of steel supports!
Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (OPEN)

:shock: oh wow. I have lost already! Oh well, I'll still show my coaster. Note: Mine is boring. I can see that CS really matters on these sort of things. Nevermind, this competition has actually made me make more than just a uncoloured pile of junk. I find that really enjoyable. :)

^Edit^ Here is another pic:

Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (OPEN)

@JammyBand Don't be disheartened by other people's entries. It's useless spending time envying other people's work, you might as well spend that effort thinking about your own. It's good to get ideas from other people, but it's dangerous to spend too much time looking at other people's and not enough on your own.
Do what you want to do. Perhaps people will prefer your approach. (I like organic designs opposed to industrial). There is nothing to be gained from winning this contest. What you gain is through taking part. Enjoy it and ' **** ' everyone else :P A bit of arrogance is good when being creative.

*Update on my entry* I am enjoying using the building tools for buildings. I still need to think what flatrides if any 'suits' my park. Scared to shut down RCT3. Custom supports really don't work on Toboggan Roller Coasters.

@ Colossus, are we allowed to build another coaster in the park if you want if it adds to the entry (but doesn't over-shadow the actual Intamin coaster?)

*edit* Two more teasers:

Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (OPEN)

@ JammyBand, You haven't lost at all, win or lose, you`ll learn something, entering these sort of things is a great way to develop your skills and you`ll find your creations become better and better. You`ll also have a nice little creation to call your own.
I still have my first couple of creations on YouTube and they are crap, but I like to look at them every now and again to see where I have come from.

@scw55, yeah that's fine, so long as its nicely in minging about in the background, kind of like my wooden coaster in my, a coaster is born thread.
Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (OPEN)

Well I thought it would be a sin to have an icy themed park without a Toboggan Roller Coaster.
Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (OPEN)

I considered other options. Still, I decided to go on with Virtu after all. I will be unpleasant sometimes to make progress with it, but I stick with this project since I believe it has the potential. In short, it is worth the pain. The creation hasn't only its massive theming (which makes it so difficult to complete) and its 312 ft height. It is integrated in a 'park' which comprises some cool ideas I really want to show - Derek has already found one of them :p
So I'm going to struggle a bit to get this done on time. I'll use some tricks, like creating, testing buildings in an other folder then pasting them in Virtu's folder.

By the way, I made a little addition to Virtu's logo. It took me only 5 minutes but I really like it.


See the allusion ?

EDIT : Wow. I only realized hours later that this logo was possibly ambiguous...
Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (OPEN)

End of Day 2's work; here is another teaser. This is a *small* section of the station ;)

The only CS I am using are the supports. I'm not touching anything else ever again since my dilemma :D

Vomit is a good tool to keep down Peep numbers when you need to abuse their naming for less-gay wall placement and UI hiding.
Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (OPEN)

In my opinion you've really improved with this one scw55 ! The terrain seems to be used in a better manner, while Steelworx looks realistic enough with the type of coaster you've chosen. Using arabic-style buildings in a cold environment is a bit odd, but I like it nonetheless.
Great stuff from you for the moment.
Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (OPEN)

I wanted a Winter Palace and this default wall sets seemed the least out of place. I wanted something pretty, weird and different. I like the appearance of the whole thing as it reminds me of an Eastern Palace atop a winter peak.

The roofing type works in this environment for practical reasons as if you look at the trees, you'll notice there's no snow on them. It means it snows rarely in this part of the world, but it is cold enough for snow to stay settled. It's ironically a desert due to the low precipitation. As a result the roofing can afford being flat. It's also ironic in a way it's a desert of ice opposed to sand (which you'd associate with the middle east).

I have a problem, and I will show you it. I think you can guess what it is. I have a drastic solution if I can't think of an alternative by contest closing time.


I don't know how to fill this gap without making it look like an obvious filler

I could shove in an expected Magic Carpet ride if I am going for the Arab theme...


Seems both of us were proven wrong at being doubtful snow naturally exists next to Arabian architecture.
Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (OPEN)

Indeed it exists, we are just not used to that.
You could extend your lake/sea/ocean in order to fill this gap.
Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (OPEN)

Alright, I'm basically completely done with the coaster and scenery (and maybe even surrounding area). Here's the thing though, I really really need some help with video editing because (as I have stated before) WMM, which I always used to make my RCT3 vids on, can't use the filetype anymore. Please, someone give me an alternative because I really really want to make a video for this (as it is probably my biggest project to date) and I want to have a nice presentation for my entry...