This is getting quite tricky now, I've ridden 20 of the bloomin' things over a span of the last 28 years, some of them I haven't been on since 2010, 2007 and in one case 2003!

That makes the humble B&M invert my most ridden coaster model by a comfortable margin - nothing else has even gotten into double figures, not even worms, mice or SLC's.
Man... 28 years. Seems like only yesterday when a young, impressionable 20 year old me went to Alton Towers on the opening weekend of Nemesis. It's difficult to describe to anyone born after that time just how big a deal that was. B&M's are commonplace now, but can you imagine seeing, and more importantly
hearing, a B&M roar around the track for the very first time? This was pre-internet days remember, pre RCDB - we literally had no idea that stuff like this was even possible, we simply had nothing to compare it to. Don't forget that up until that point, Alton's flagship roller coaster was still probably the Corkscrew! I mean, that's how big a leap forward this was. It was huge!
It's safe to say that I'm here now, ranking coasters with this community of geeks, because of that very day.
Anyway... new entries in
1. Nemesis. Obvs.
2. Montu. Not ridden it in 15 years but I definitely remember it being awesome.
3. Banshee. I guess you either love or hate this one. I'm a lover!
4. Monster. The Swedish one. Brilliant it is. Great to see that B&M can still throw out a fun, fresh and action packed layout.
5. Raptor. Possibly the loudest of the lot. Absolutely love that roar!
6. Black Mamba. Yes. Very very good.
7. Patriot. Another one with a good roar, and an airtime hill too.
8. Monster. The French one. It's Raptor, without the MCBR. What's not to love? Oh yes, the crappy park it lives in, that's what.
9, 10, 11, 12 and
13. The Batmen. I've grouped them all together to make it easier as there's really nothing between them. Good rides. I like 'em. For the record, I've been on the GAdv, GAm, SFMM, St Louis and
PWM versions.
14 & 15. The Duelling Dragons. I was lucky enough to be able to marathon both sides of this back in the days when it was duelling properly. God that was good! But without the duelling? Meh.
16. Alpengeist. After discovering RCDB and learning what a B&M invert actually was, this was one of the first that captured my attention and became an absolute bucket list ride. Nemesis... but 200ft tall and twice as long??

OMG, yes please! I even had it as the screensaver on my PC. So, how was my ride, when I eventually got it? It was alright. First half is great but MCBR kills it stone dead.
17. Oz'Iris. Weird one, this. Not big enough to be fast and whooshy, not small enough to be whippy and forceful. A strange middle ground that is just... meh.
18. Nemesis: Inferno. S'alright. It was better when all the effects worked.
19. Silver Bullet. Decent size but decidedly unmemorable, probably marred by shoddy park operations and a bad mood on the day. Deserves another chance someday.
20. Flight Deck. Small and unmemorable.